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Old January 27th, 2004, 05:55 AM
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Default Known Bugs

Found a bug in SE4? Post it here!

1) In a simultaneous movement game, if you send out Messages at the beginning of the turn, sometimes the Messages will disappear in the other orders sent in when the turn is processed. Always send your Messages at the end of the turn!
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Old January 27th, 2004, 07:26 AM
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Default Re: Known Bugs

In simultaneous movement games, a ship with full cargo ordered to load cargo will stop executing the orders after the load command.

In strategic combat, ship strategies will sometimes be completely ignored (a lone ship with "do not fire on planets" or "don't get hurt" can happen to fly to the corner for the first combat turn, then mysteriously turn around and glass a planet or get shot down by the WPs).

In simultaneous games, movement log sometimes does not work, error message: "... not valid for the current game date". It never works after "end turn" when reloading the game.
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Old January 27th, 2004, 08:33 AM
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Default Re: Known Bugs

ramming planets in strategic combat does not work.

the small graviton beam requires tractor / repulsor tech, instead of graviton tech as it should. this has been reported to MM.

supply sharing between fighter Groups and a fleet is bugged. I think this is being patched.
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Old January 27th, 2004, 11:11 AM
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Default Re: Known Bugs

Speed up movement non-simultaneous movement games, it is so boring pointing a ship or fleet at a location and then waiting, waiting, waiting, when I also want to other things.
When a game gets over 500 ships to move it can take a very long time to play your turn in non-simultaneous movement games.

Can you load more on a ship that has full cargo in non-simultaneous movement?

[ January 27, 2004, 09:14: Message edited by: QBrigid ]
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Old January 27th, 2004, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: Known Bugs

Originally posted by Imperator Fyron:
Found a bug in SE4? Post it here!

Always send your Messages at the end of the turn!
Thanks for the tip Fyron.
Can anyone confirm what Fyron is Stating.
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Old January 27th, 2004, 01:38 PM

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Default Re: Known Bugs

Originally posted by Puke:
ramming planets in strategic combat does not work.
So that's what's been jacked in my Furball V strategy!

Back to the mountain.
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Old January 27th, 2004, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: Known Bugs

No, you cannot load more onto a ship with full cargo in non-sim games, but it should not stop executing all orders thereafter and just ignore the load order instead.
And yes, I can confirm Fyron's tip - with my limited experience. In larger games - like NGC3 - it is almost certain that a trade does not work if the confirm message is written at the start of the turn. I has not failed yet when writing the message as Last action.
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Old January 27th, 2004, 04:47 PM
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Default Re: Known Bugs

Great idea, Fyron. Maybe this list should be sent to MM. For my listed bugs, I have done that. Also, in the spirit of this thread, I would suggest that we just list things we think are bugs. Discussion or argument should be taken elsewhere.

These all apply to simultaneous games. They may also apply to turn-based, but it has been a long time since I played turn-based so I am not sure.

Fighters won't resupply at a Resupply Depot if the RD is on a moon.

Facility "tags" won't show up on the system view if the facility is on a moon.

(IMO this is a bug) Temporal Spaceyards don't upgrade from standard ones. I know it is easy to mod, but this should be fixed since setting up multiplayer games should not require a mod for this.

Retrofits that fail in simultaneous games give the same "Vehicle Retrofit" message log on the left pane as a successful retrofit. You have to click on it and read the center pane to find out if it was successful or not.

Fighters fleeted with ships cause the fleet to quickly lose its supplies (I think this was introduced in the v1.84 patch) [edit: whoops, already reported by Puke]

If you have more than one atmosphere breathing type of population, the transport minister will take will actually harm your empire by taking wrong-breathing population to planets. When he does this, the planet will become domed. Not that I use ministers.

"divide points evenly" causes you to lose points (research and intel) when you complete a project. Excess points are not given to other projects.

Captured ship designs from intel projects or Long Range Scanners are not added to your list of known enemy designs.

Fleet Experience is not calculated as expected (see Fleet Experience thread)

Can't retrieve drones (might be intentional, but I think it is a bug)

Warheads on drones that are rammed do not damage the ramming ship (other than the contribution to overall mass of the drone).

I'll add more later.


[ January 27, 2004, 14:49: Message edited by: Slick ]
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Old January 27th, 2004, 05:01 PM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: Known Bugs

Originally posted by Slick:
Great idea, Fyron. Maybe this list should be sent to MM. For my listed bugs, I have done that. Also, in the spirit of this thread, I would suggest that we just list things we think are bugs. Discussion or argument should be taken elsewhere.

These all apply to simultaneous games. They may also apply to turn-based
>~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~<

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

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Old January 27th, 2004, 05:16 PM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: Known Bugs

Yes, it is intentional that drones cannot be recovered. This makes them impossible for the AI to use properly, of course. It always launches ALL drones in combat. It would be nice if we had an exception allowing drones launched in tactical combat to be recovered like fighters. Then AI races could use drones effectively.
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