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Old August 5th, 2003, 08:06 PM
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Default New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

League Rules:

All league members must register with the league page at http://www.myleague.com/se4 using their PBW Username. Failure to use your PBW username will result in removal from the league and loss of standing.
PBW does not require you to keep your emaill address current, however Myleague.com does. Failure to do so may result in loss of account and league standing.

All legaue games must be declared as such prior to their start and all players in teh game must be league members.

Games can be either solo games or team games.
a.. Solo games are NO treaties, no gifts, no trades, no surender.
b. Team games allow all these things, but only to a member of your pre-arranged team. Between players not on the same team and between teams there will be no treaties, no gifts, no trades, and no surrender.
Unofficial alliances cannot be effectively prevented and so will be allowed. But no treaties except between team members. Treaty status must be None, War, or NI at all times during the game. NA and higher is not allowed. Subjugation and Protectorate are not allowed.

All other settings for games are acceptable as long as all parties involved agree to them. This includes any gentleman's agreements, which must be clearly delineated prior to the game start. Players and owners are encouraged to choose game settings which will facilitate faster game resolution.

All league games must have a game owner who is not participating in that game. The game owner can be but does not have to be a league member.

Players can play in as many games simultaneously as they can handle.

Players/Teams who feel their position is untennable, or who are for personal reasons unable to continue are encouraged to remain in the game but will be permitted to withdraw and report the game as a loss. Surrender is not allowed. If the game has more then one remaining players/teams they can continue and the withdrawing players/teams spot can be turned over to the AI on full minster control, or a non-competing replacment player can be found to take over the spot. This replacment player/team does not have to be a league member. Whether or not they are a league memeber they will not receive credit for a win or a loss regardless of their preformance in the game and teh final standings. And they must follow the league rules in the game, including No surrender, no gifts, no trades and no treaties.

Contrary to the standard MyLeague rules posted below, losing and withdrawing players DO NOT report a loss only to the eventual winner of the game. They report a loss to each player/team remaining in the game at the time they leave the game. Losses to several players must be reported in the order that those players are on the ladder. You must replort a loss to the highest ranked player first. Not in order of score in the game, or any other order.

The following are the generic Myleague.com rules. I have included them because they explain the reporting and standings rules well. Anything in these rules that contradicts the rules I posted above does not apply to our league. Eventually I will update the rules on the league website and have only rules that apply to our league.

The Ranking System
MyLeague.com has one of the simplest ranking systems ever used for competitive play. We call it a "Ladder" because each player has a unique rank or "rung" that represents their standing among other players. The highest ranked player holds the #1 position. Someone ranked #2 is ranked below the #1 player. So, the goal is to "climb" the Ladder all the way to the top.

When you first join you are placed in the "Unranked" Category of the Ladder.

You become "Ranked" after winning your first Ladder match. (Unranked Users can play each other and the winner becomes ranked at the bottom of the ladder.)

When you defeat a higher ranked player you move up half the distance between their rank and your own. Example

Your rank on the Ladder does not go down if you lose a match unless your opponent is ranked DIRECTLY below you.

When other players beat people above you and jump over you in rank you will slide down.

Some special rules exist for players ranked in the Top Ten. These rules will be covered in a later section.

Account Rules

Since your Ladder account is where all your records are kept we have some special policies regarding it. These are very important and you should pay close attention to them.

E-mail Address

Your E-mail address must be kept current on the site, as it is the only way we have of contacting you. Use the 'USER EDITOR' if you need to change it.

If your E-mail address is found to be invalid your account will be penalized or removed.

Ladder Names

If your Ladder name is offensive to other Users or contains profanity your account will be removed.

If your Ladder name is found to be abusive towards another user your account will be removed.

If your Ladder name is found to be too similar to an existing user's nickname you will have to choose another.

You are only allowed to change your Ladder name once per week.

Your Ladder name must match the name you use in chat and play your matches under exactly. This includes spaces, underscores and other keyboard characters. If it doesn't the match is invalid and your opponent is not required to report any losses to you.

Players should never report a loss to a name that is different than the one their opponent used during the match.

[ August 05, 2003, 19:33: Message edited by: geoschmo ]
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Old August 5th, 2003, 08:43 PM
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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

You have too much time Geo

Great idea, though, and settings I like - even if I don't mind a little diplomacy from time to time I really prefer playing as lone wolf.
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Old August 5th, 2003, 08:50 PM
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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

Suggestions/Questions [edit]:

Surrender IS allowed but only in 1 vs 1 games (what's the harm, right?)

Should standard game settings be established in the event the players (team or otherwise) can't agree on settings?

Should there be an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators to settle problems and disagreements?

Should any penalties be specified for anyone breaking the rules?

Should there be a standard turnaround time specified?

How does one start a game with someone (or some team)? Invitation? Challenge? What if someone refuses the challenge? What if, say, #2 on the ladder continually refuses to play (saying he's busy with too many other games or something...which could be legitimate)?

[ August 05, 2003, 19:52: Message edited by: Slynky ]
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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Old August 5th, 2003, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

Originally posted by Roanon:
You have too much time Geo

Great idea, though, and settings I like - even if I don't mind a little diplomacy from time to time I really prefer playing as lone wolf.
Well, if someone wants diplomacy they can join a team game. Those are allowed in the league as well. What I am trying to avoid is the normal progression of games where players get ganged up on and eliminated one at a time. I like that as well sometimes (Survivor tourney) but I don't think it's appropriate for a league where your standing is supposed to be determined by your own performance. By limiting the trading to team games we make sure there aren't players going as lone wolves up against wolf packs.


[ August 05, 2003, 20:02: Message edited by: geoschmo ]
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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

Originally posted by Slynky:
Suggestions/Questions [edit]:

Surrender IS allowed but only in 1 vs 1 games (what's the harm, right?)
In a one on one game surrender ends the game, so it doesn't really matter if you say you allow it or not at that point.

Should standard game settings be established in the event the players (team or otherwise) can't agree on settings?
We needed that for KOTH, but it's not neccesary for this becuase if they can't agree they can always walk away and join another game.

Should there be an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators to settle problems and disagreements?
For now that will be me as league admin. Eventually if this takes off I will get some volunteers to help me as league admins.

Should any penalties be specified for anyone breaking the rules?
Not too many rules to be broken, but we can always kick someone out of the league if they do.

Should there be a standard turnaround time specified?
I think this is well covered by the game settings which all players need to agree to when joining and stick to.

Does one start a game with someone (or some team)? Invitation? Challenge? What if someone refuses the challenge? What if, say, #2 on the ladder continually refuses to play (saying he's busy with too many other games or something...which could be legitimate)?
There are rules for that in the standard MyLeague setups. I think most of those will carry over well. I will remove what doesn't. Eventually the special rules for top ten players will apply, but until the rankings get fleshed out some I don't think we need to worry about that too much.
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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:10 PM
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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

OK on the answers, Geo. It's just that, in my line of business and considering the losers I provide service for, EVERYTHING needs to be spelled out.

Otherwise, I was referring to people who failed to report losses, or reported them in the wrong order, or reported them late (after positions had changed due to a different game)...stuff like that. I wouldn't expect a lot of it, and surely 99% of the KOTH players have be great sports! I guess I just worry. (of course, the administrator can handle those on the fly, I guess... ).
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:15 PM
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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

Originally posted by Slynky:
What if, say, #2 on the ladder continually refuses to play (saying he's busy with too many other games or something...which could be legitimate)?
This is something I should have addressed in more detail in my previous post. Let me elaborate. Eventually this will all be codifed in teh league rules.

The Myleague was designed for games that only take a few minutes ot a couple hours to play, involving two or just a few players. Board games, computer games, etc. So some of the stuff is going to need adjusting to fit our purposes, but most of it is flexible and applicable.

One of the main considerations in the Myleague rules is that of activity. The default for Myleague is that players must play at least one game every three weeks. This would be reflected either by them reporting a loss to someone or someone reporting a loss to them.

Since most SE4 games Last more then three weeks, and we want to have a format that allows games of any number of players, following the default Myleague rules to the letter would be difficult.

The first thing that will have to change is the required activity time. I can change this in the league admin settings. Secondly by changin gthe rule from reporting a loss to only the eventual winner, to reporting a loss to all the players remaining, players will generate a lot more activity.

If you have a game with 20 players for example, every time someone gets knocked out of the game that goes as an activity for that plaeyr and every player still in that game. If players have two or three games running simultaneoulsy they should be able to keep up a decent level of activity just from players getting knocked out and reporting losses to them.

If a player is in only one game and it is a satble game or one with slow turns, they might have problems. If that is all a person can handle though they might want to consider whether a league is a good idea for them.

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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:17 PM

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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

Could you please elaborate on how matches come together?

Is it the challenge system?

What if multiple players pose a challenge to a higher rung person at the same time?

Rank #100 has much more to gain than Rank#1... he would climb 50 ranks!
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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:17 PM
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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

Originally posted by Slynky:
OK on the answers, Geo. It's just that, in my line of business and considering the losers I provide service for, EVERYTHING needs to be spelled out.

Otherwise, I was referring to people who failed to report losses, or reported them in the wrong order, or reported them late (after positions had changed due to a different game)...stuff like that. I wouldn't expect a lot of it, and surely 99% of the KOTH players have be great sports! I guess I just worry. (of course, the administrator can handle those on the fly, I guess... ).
Yes, administrators can report losses for people that don't report them. And all that stuff will be spelled out at some point, including punishment for non-compliance. I just haven't got it all pulled together yet. I wanted to get the site up and let people register so I can get a feel for how many are going to take advantage of this. If it's just me you and Roanon maybe it won't matter.

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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:18 PM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: New league forming, "The SEIV PBW League"

why not have the winner report the win ???
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