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Old September 19th, 2003, 08:55 PM
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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

Originally posted by JLS:
Actually if you follow the Posts every one has a voice, for example, you remarked on 90% as High

On the flip side, what risk is there if one would the Hero that may actually reduce an event; you will reduce chance and as you say RISK; other then a possible beneficial event

In regards to the Possibilities, it is fair to say that this is not yet possible in se4, and this will offer another option to the Human Players that play AIC.

How can this be a bad thing?
Did I gave the impression I thought it was a bad thing? If so, then I was even more unclear than what I thought.

Using the Heroes is indeed a choice, if you prefer to play "safely" and then use them, but you won't have the good events (or potentially good events, as some events can be either good or bad under different circumstances). On the other hand, you could take a chance in NOT using these Heroes, and then everything could happen from a "Oops, your main system has just been destroyed by a Nova along with your fleet" to a "The warp point the invading fleet was planning to use as just been closed by strange forces".

As I am speaking of such events, you mentioned a Warp Opened event. Is this one working? I remember a post which stated that this one wasn't working with vanilla SE:IV at least. Events are quite hard to grasp in SE:IV and, well, random as they are supposed to be.

However, I am still unsure and concerned of the specific "Organics Facility Problem� you are referring to?

Is it a programming error on my part?
Os it something conceptual you do not understand?
Please elaborate.
Sorry, I didn't see you edited your message a few Posts back as I answered before your edit then.

I spoke about a possible problem with these facilities improving the reproduction rates. (Gestation Vats and Medical Labs namely) I am not sure of the exact effect of these ones with AIC, and how they are working with Homeworlds which have the "Population will reproduce in this system faster" ability. I will wait for the formula to actually understand how these facilities are working. (I am currently playing an Organic and Crystalline race)

Hopefully I should be less obscure this time.

[ September 19, 2003, 20:00: Message edited by: Alneyan ]
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Old September 19th, 2003, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

JLS, I guess it could be addressed already. What about these kind of events:

Type := Planet - Conditions Change
Severity := Medium
Effect Amount := -20

Which changes a mild planet into deadly in one turn. It looks like this effect is ten times more destructive than expected. Do you plan to change them effect amount-wise ?


Type := Planet - Conditions Change
Severity := Medium
Effect Amount := -2
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Old September 19th, 2003, 10:33 PM

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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

You are talking of the 4.01 Events file test a few weeks ago.

Yea, that event was droped a few weeks ago, with Events v4.02

I am testing AIC Events v4.05 now

Type := Planet - Conditions Change
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := -5
Message To := ~

Type := Planet - Conditions Change
Severity := High
Effect Amount := 10
Message To := ~

I am still considering keepings the AIC v3.02-:
Type := Planet - Conditions Change
Severity := Catastrophic
Effect Amount := -10
Message To := ~

What are your thoughts?

[ September 19, 2003, 21:44: Message edited by: JLS ]
>~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~<

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

~~~ CLICK ON &gt;&gt;&gt; (((&gt; <font color="green"> AI CAMPAIGN v4.191 </font> &lt)) &lt;&lt;&lt; To Get ~~~
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Old September 19th, 2003, 10:49 PM

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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

As originally posted by Alneyan:
Using the Heroes is indeed a choice, if you prefer to play "safely" and then use them, but you won't have the good events (or potentially good events, as some events can be either good or bad under different circumstances). On the other hand, you could take a chance in NOT using these Heroes, and then everything could happen from a "Oops, your main system has just been destroyed by a Nova along with your fleet" to a "The warp point the invading fleet was planning to use as just been closed by strange forces".
Please consider, that the Heroes Epic is for an individual System.

Change Bad Event Chance - System
Value1 = Percentage change in chance for bad event for entire system (+/- percentage).
Value2 =

Based on our scenarios, I could (or not) have the Hero that further lowered the chance in the Home System as to further avoid that Star Destroyed and on that remote and newly colonized system wanting to reach for another Star, I WOULD want a Hero to increase the chance of that system; preferably, the open warp event
- - - -

As I am speaking of such events, you mentioned a Warp Opened event. Is this one working? I remember a post which stated that this one wasn't working with vanilla SE:IV at least. Events are quite hard to grasp in SE:IV and, well, random as they are supposed to be.
From the origonal AIC events file to AIC 3.2 released now, the open warp event does work fine, in a standard game

However, I also assume (only) it works with no-warp games, you may have a point

In addition, I am unsure if it will with this scenareo.
The System Gravitational Shield now prevents warp points closing within the system. This prevents warp points closing into or out of the system by all players.
~ ~ ~
In addition, I beleave MM se4 has fixed the Errors below from past history.
~The Rare error on warp command execution.
~You cannot open a warp point into the same system that it
originates from.
- - - -

(I am currently playing an Organic and Crystalline race)
Excellent choice, it also mine; when I am in a competitive LAN game

[ September 20, 2003, 00:39: Message edited by: JLS ]
&gt;~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~&lt;

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

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Old September 19th, 2003, 10:53 PM
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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

Hmm, let's see,

Alneyan wrote:

The values for the conditions and their meanings:
0.0-0.2: Deadly
0.3-0.4: Harsh
0.5-0.9: Unpleasant
1.0-1.2: Mild
1.3-1.4: Good
1.5: Optimal
The effect amount 10 would be still too much, I guess. I assume the effect amount is divided by 10 which means a 1.0 Mild planet would be reduced to 0.0 Deadly. In my opinion, one event should not do more than one step in one turn. That means, the max. effect amount should be not more than 4.
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Old September 19th, 2003, 11:00 PM

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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

OK, in the least we will be going with the �5 and the +10 Planet - Conditions Change event.

With the additions of more good and beneficial events, removing the �10 is further still warranted. Agreed, PTF

= =
Also, proposed for AIC v4.0:

The level 4 Climate Control Facility will increace to +6
The level 5 Climate Control Facility will increace to +12

[ September 20, 2003, 00:24: Message edited by: JLS ]
&gt;~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~&lt;

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

~~~ CLICK ON &gt;&gt;&gt; (((&gt; <font color="green"> AI CAMPAIGN v4.191 </font> &lt)) &lt;&lt;&lt; To Get ~~~
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Old September 20th, 2003, 12:33 AM

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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

originally posted by Alneyan:
I spoke about a possible problem with these facilities improving the reproduction rates. (Gestation Vats and Medical Labs namely) I am not sure of the exact effect of these ones with AIC, and how they are working with Homeworlds which have the "Population will reproduce in this system faster" ability. I will wait for the formula to actually understand how these facilities are working.
I here you, it is mind boggling to me even now, as well. I wish I saved my notes.

This is what I meant Last night this would be a lot to recall; Thanks for the opportunity and I will resume�

This will be just AIC Organic and generic AIC Facilities.
This will include your home system with the Agrarian Cultural Centers also to include a system without the Initial Home AIC Agrarian Cultural Center.
As the application apply and may or not interact or interface amongst each other.
Characteristics & Cultural Modifiers

Orgaincs Race Facilities in AIC
~Medical Lab
~Gestation Vats
~Replicant Center
~Planet Lore
Organic Generation Facility
Organics Generation Settlement
Organics Generation Colony
Organics Generation Center
~Macrobiotic City
~Agrarian Cultural Center

Non Organic; AIC Facilities that may contribute to Population Growth for yor current game.
~Climate Control Facility
~Urban Pacification Center
~Citizen Databank Complex
~Intelligence Agency
~System University Complex
~Bio Med Facility
~Agrarian Society
~Agrarian Ecosystem
~City of Crystal
~World Cultural Center
~Population Center
~Crystal Race Cultural Center

~ Denotes this may Effect Reproduction when built or scraped. One must also consider that when scraped you will lose any inherent positive effects that Facility may offer also when one builds a facility from the same family for example Gestation Vats III just for the sole purpose to increase Reproduction that this upon completion will make Gestation Vats I and II obsolete as it applies to Reproduction.

However, when one builds the Gestation Vats or an Agrarian Cultural Center this will not yield the Agrarian Ecosystem or a Medical Lab obsolete on that Planet or that System, please right click the facility and make your choices well, you will be confronted with many.

Culture Centers and some Urban Centers will yield an Initial bonus for reproduction when playing AIC. Therefore, if you have Priorities, surly a reproduction facility can wait until you wish to commit some planets facility slot in that system, if you decide at all, considering you have this inherent bonus from other Urban Center. If any Planets reproduction information is also desired; you will notice this on that planets info screen

In addition, most Racial level 2 support Facility, certainly level 3; will have an increased benefit of any one inherent bonus you may expect from your AIC Urban Center.

= = =

Characteristics & Cultural Modifiers will effect Reproduction Values with your Empire Setup.

Reproduction Value: Every percentage point you increase your reproduction increase the planets reproduction by one percentage point. So if you choose 110% reproduction a typical planet could increase its reproduction from 10% to 20%. Thus what seems like a 10% improvement (100% to 110%) is actually a 100% improvement. A 5% change in Environmental Resistance equates to a 1% change in Reproduction and Happiness. If you set both ER and Reproduction down, your population may never be able to grow. Population will reproduce based on their reproduction rate (per year) and this rate is affected by their happiness, their environmental resistance and the planet conditions. Each turn is 0.1 years and is defined as a game �month�. (Reproduction rate per turn) = (reproduction rate per year) / 10. The amount of new population increase per turn = (population amount) x (reproduction rate per turn) or 1M, whichever is greater. Therefore you always get at least 1M increase per turn. Exception: reproduction rate can go to 0% if planet conditions are �Deadly�. Note that if there is more than one race of population on a planet, you get a minimum increase of 1M of each race per turn.T he actual condition of the Planet Colonized effects reproduction rate. Happiness affects resource production, construction rate, and reproduction Population will not reproduce when in cargo on a ship or base. They only reproduce when on a planet. Plagued planets have 0% reproduction rate, and get large happiness penalties each turn they are plagued. Enemy ships in your Systems Derectly and inderectly effect reproduction. AIC Starliner Concept as it relates to organic costs and for the Organic race; the abundance of this resource

= = =

To be told however, as a ~TIP~. Namely, The Gestation Vats will yield the HIGHST level of a Reproduction Modifier when playing AIC, but will not yield any System Happiness or System Plague Prevention, as you would receive form the Medical Labs or the immense attributes the Players receive from an advanced Urban Center or Culture Center, when playing AIC

On a final note: There is no Facility equaled to the se4 or AIC >Replicant Center, as it applies to the direct impact of your Populations augment.
= = = = = = = =
To all:
With any of my Posts that may of sounded patronizing, I apologize and is unintentional.
Some times when I reply, I add other information you may know, or may not want, I try to also post for all that may be interested.

[ September 20, 2003, 03:03: Message edited by: JLS ]
&gt;~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~&lt;

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

~~~ CLICK ON &gt;&gt;&gt; (((&gt; <font color="green"> AI CAMPAIGN v4.191 </font> &lt)) &lt;&lt;&lt; To Get ~~~
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Old September 20th, 2003, 01:41 AM
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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

i has looking the AI Campaign alterations in the data files and found that the Towns facility have the description that it can hold 5kt of Org and Rad, while the ability value only set it to 3kt. Is this correct?
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Megamek (latest dev version with home-made random campaign generator), Dominions 3 (with CBM) and Sins of a Solar Empire (heavily modded)
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Old September 20th, 2003, 04:06 AM
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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

Reproduction Value: Every percentage point you increase your reproduction increase the planets reproduction by one percentage point. So if you choose 110% reproduction a typical planet could increase its reproduction from 10% to 20%. Thus what seems like a 10% improvement (100% to 110%) is actually a 100% improvement.

Every percentage point you increase your reproduction increases the planet's reproduction rate by one percentage point.

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Old September 20th, 2003, 04:20 AM

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Default Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent

Thanks Fyron

It did sound like the planet was increasing.

RATE does better explain

[ September 20, 2003, 03:44: Message edited by: JLS ]
&gt;~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~&lt;

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

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