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Old January 10th, 2009, 05:22 AM
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Welcome to the forum!

One tip you might find useful is not picking Vanheim, Helheim or Tir na n'Og as computer opponents when you start learning Dominions. They have a nasty habit of being able to mass absolutely humongous armies and they have some seriously good units, especially the heims. They don't lose too many of them in most battles, which means their units rack up experience, making them even tougher. Choose somewhat easier enemies to go up against at first, such as Arco, that will allow you a shot at winning.

The heims are by no means invulnerable or anything, but you need to know what to do to counter them.

Take a look at the various guides on the forum, especially Baalz's stuff is eye-opening, bu maybe a tad advanced for a beginner.
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Old January 10th, 2009, 06:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Akela View Post

I, also, am new to Dominion. I've played it twice now, as the Marveni, and lost both times.

It became pretty clear that if you are being out produced by another player, unless they are distracted with something else you can't beat them. You can tell me if this isn't true, but that's the way it seemed to me then.

Starting my third game now, maybe working a little harder on research. Glad to be here.
Welcome aboard.

The way to defeat someone who is out-producing you is to out-research them. Just look out Blade Wind (Evo/Earth), Soul Slay (Thaum/Astral) and Golems (Constr/Earth and Astral) for some ways to handle all kinds of problems.
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Old January 10th, 2009, 12:17 PM
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Welcome Akela

If I can give you a suggestion, you could use 2 nations at once for a game. So if you are ganged up by the AIs you can "help yourself with the other hand", and it will become less frustrating to be attacked It also removes the problem of inadvertently clicking the "End turn" button

Marverni is a bit difficult to play for beginners, imho, as Astral magic, and expecially the communions part, is hard even just to learn and a lot more to master. You could consider starting with something a bit more straightforward - Abysia is great for that, but you could have fun with Agartha, Ulm, Yomi... Those aren't definitively powerhouses, but are simpler to play and you will start to have the impression that everything you research really improves your army

Hope to see you on the board often!
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Old January 10th, 2009, 10:34 PM

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Thanks all for the suggestions. I'm going to take advantage of most of them. For one thing, I'm going to ditch the Marveni for now. For my third game I'm going to try either Marchaka or Ulm. The Norse tribes seem really good too, but they've made me so mad I refuse to play them until I've whooped them a few times.

I'll look around for the strategy guides and I'll also find the right forum for having this kind of thread.

Thanks for the help!

Normal AI - 1 Me - 0
Currently Playing: EA Marverni
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Old January 11th, 2009, 05:57 AM

cohenfr cohenfr is offline
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Hi everybody.

I am new on the forum. First sorry for all the mistakes I am going to do, my english is not excellent.

So I'm a 19 year old french man, and I have been playing dominion for about three years. I started with dominion 2 that I used to play in SP, then played dominion 3 SP too. This year, I have more time to play so I have started my first MP game. Thus, I have decided to join this forum that I've been reading a lot.

That's all!
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Old January 11th, 2009, 06:10 AM
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EDIT: Welcome to the forums, cohenfr!

Originally Posted by Akela View Post
I'll look around for the strategy guides and I'll also find the right forum for having this kind of thread.
One of the stickied topics is a list of strategy guides.
Everything that isn't a mod or a multiplayer usually goes to this general forum.

If you don't mind, we haven't had a thread about how a new player discovers Dominions. You could make a report of some sort about how you discover things and such. Something similar to what you posted, few sentences about each memorable game and/or discovery, or how you finally killed the Nords.
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Old January 11th, 2009, 06:20 AM
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Bienvenue Cohen

Originally Posted by Endoperez View Post
If you don't mind, we haven't had a thread about how a new player discovers Dominions. You could make a report of some sort about how you discover things and such. Something similar to what you posted, few sentences about each memorable game and/or discovery, or how you finally killed the Nords.
Hey, that would be nice if some of te new ones takes the time to do such a thing while he plays

His mistakes could even be corrected real-time by the gurus, he would receive a lot of useful tips
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Old January 14th, 2009, 11:43 PM

Caradryan Caradryan is offline
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Greetings, everyone!

I guess I'm the newest addition to Dominion 3. I found it completely by accident while looking for TBS games (Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is probably one of my favorite games.)

The day I got it I went to bed at around ...4 AM? I've never stayed up that late for anything - not even finals week.

What really made it attractive was not only the sheer amount of depth in the game, but also the modability of Dominion as a whole.

Favorite race? Man. Love their Arthurian-influenced themes. Also, someone's Sylvania Mod was really awesome as well. Hope to see more of you around!


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Old January 16th, 2009, 09:58 PM
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Hello everyone.

Well, I've been itching and warring with myself over whether to get Dominions ever since I tried out the Dominions 2 demo a few years back. Last month I took the plunge and made the order.

My favorite nation has been MA Ulm (a sort of affection left over from the Dom2 demo), and I've gotten the handle of them in SP.

And thus, I move on to MP.
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Old January 16th, 2009, 10:01 PM
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Glad you jumped on board. If you have questions you can check the sticky posts, search in the forum, ask in the forum, jump into the chat here, or if you know IRC then there is a channel on GameSurge.net which is usually manned.
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)
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