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Old May 28th, 2021, 09:58 AM
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Exclamation Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

My tests so far show that if I place a multihex building, no matter if it's wood or stone residential or a "specialty" building.....if it does not have a part of the building in the first hex ( that is the registration hex.. the hex you clicked on to place the building ) I see a paved road reported in that hex.

If anyone sees differently let us know

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Old May 28th, 2021, 10:41 AM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

This is one of those things that once known is so obvious it seems impossible for it to have existed so long but it has.

Anyone interested can try this experiment

Place 6 multi hex buildings spaced a few hexes apart that have no part of the building in the hex you clicked on to place them

after you are done move your cursor over those hexes and you should see paved road reported

Now place map editor page one clear terrain on those registration hexes.. that's the clear terrain that is level zero

All the buildings should be gone

Now, look at the mini-map. You should still see the shape of where they were

Now change to winter ( this assumes you started the experiment in summer )

Pass your cursor over the area you placed those buildings hex by hex and every time you find one that reports paved road click on it with the clear terrain snow

You should see something like this............

What I found is why some of these older scenarios and probably the newer ones too that show strange residual paved road is because editing had been done that did not clear down all hexes that building was placed in and this is what we need to investigate in the code. Why an empty registration hex places a paved hex and why paved hexes are left behind when the building is removed when only the registration hex is cleared

SO........ Please note when building a map in case the cause of this cannot be found..... when you change your mind about the placement of a multi hex building you MUST clear down the entire area the building had been NOT just the registration hex

As well be aware that even if you place a multi hex building that DOES have a building in the registration hex and then you remove it by placing clear terrain in the registration hex ANY HEX THAT BUILDING HAD OCCUPIED WILL REPORT PAVED ROAD.

So any "change of mind" when it comes to placing multi hex buildings EVERY hex they had occupied MUST be cleared using page one clear terrain to remove all traces of the paved road bug otherwise it will report being paved road

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Last edited by DRG; May 29th, 2021 at 08:46 AM..
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Old May 28th, 2021, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

...or let ReLT fine it in my scenarios and have me go back and fix it lol...

Great find DRG
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Old May 28th, 2021, 01:50 PM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

and further FYI using " clear damage" with the extended editor does not remove them because paved roads are not "damage"

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Old May 28th, 2021, 01:53 PM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

Originally Posted by zovs66 View Post
So I loaded up SP2 the problems go all the way back to that, the SSI code.
When you place a multi-hex building with SP2 on a ground-level hex what happens?

Does it automatically place the paved hex? It's been 2 decades since I last loaded SP2

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Old May 28th, 2021, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

The placement of multi-hex buildingss works for generated battles. It also works for scenarios, so long as you then do not remove them, otherwise you will manually have to remove the paving/road heses the building splatters as part of its deployment.

The game keeps no records that building #1234 "owns" these splattered hexes. So in order to remove them, I think I'll have to examine the placement code for building #1234 and find its splatter pattern and then remove them with the building. That will need to be done if the building is simply deleted, or if it gets replaced with another one I think. Right now, there is no such code for the removal of any such splatter - it just deletes building #1234 and leaves the splatter.

Doable, but not going to be fun!.
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Old May 28th, 2021, 07:09 PM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

It * may* be that the solution is simple...its FINDING the solution that is difficult. We now know what is happening and how to prevent it from being a issue in a final scenario and that might be all you get

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Old May 28th, 2021, 07:21 PM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

SP2: yes it automatically places the paved road as per the screen shots.
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Old May 28th, 2021, 07:24 PM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

OK that likely explains why then having stray paved road around the building was not an issue and MAYBE stray paved road around the building is WHY pavement was pasted down around them

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Old May 28th, 2021, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: Multi-layer and hex buildings

Yep, as soon as I saw it splatter all the grey I was like that’s why...

I just adapted as I went along in creating all my scenarios.
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