Originally Posted by bongo
And consider good that I regret it. They do not maybe know what they miss by playing only on the free version of the game.
As I said it before, nothing that for the graphic improvements in game and the possibility of sorting out the encyclopedia, that is widely worth the asking price.
That there is a free version is a good thing so that the players discover an atypical game, but it is morally necessary to buy it if we play it regularly... At least, it is my opinion.
Totally agree with the moral issue.
On another hand, and without any intent to stir discussion around the following, i saw this post where supposedly a new "spiritual successor" for Steel Panthers is on the horizon under the name "
Steel Tigers" being developed by Gary Grigsby, Joel Billings and Keith Brors:
No matter the time it take for a public beta to come out, it won't be easy to outrank and displace WINSPWW2 & WINSPMBT from their deserved spot on the tactical wargaming genre no matter on how many other platforms the "game" is implemented. I've read articles where the tabletop grognards and early 80's computer game designers asked themselves similar questions in regards to platform option when
computer wargaming was starting to pick some pace.