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Old May 18th, 2004, 05:44 AM

Kel Kel is offline
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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

Much like, in other threads, where invicible != unbalanced...

Worst summon != Useless.

- Kel
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Old May 18th, 2004, 11:22 AM
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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

I agree with Gandalf here too, which is why I was loathe to post in this thread.
Maybe we can interpret "worst" as "most costly" or something...?
But I just had to post because someone just mentioned Draconians as a poor summon; but mixed in with a bog beast or two and/or other nice poison immune troops, and you have a seriously powerful troop. A bit of cannon fodder, 2 bog beasts, and some dracononians led by a dracochief is my idea of an excellent bang for your buck. Draconian chiefs can summon more draconians if he has nothing else to do, which I just love. They are perfect hit-and-run summons and can wreak havoc behind enemy lines. If you play Caelum, for instance, draconians tend to appear less interesting, but there you go.
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Old May 18th, 2004, 11:38 AM

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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

Air Magic (like Fire) isn't a summon-path so Draconians are good enough. The queens are unique and the draconians are the best alternative. At least if you want to invest airgems for summonings.

[ May 18, 2004, 10:40: Message edited by: calmon ]
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Old May 18th, 2004, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

I used Hama Dryads once to defend against Ulm, who was trying to storm my castle. Awe works well on low morale Ulmish troops, steal strenght negates armor, and eventually the Ulmish army routed. Of course, if Ulm had had archers the Dryads would've been toast.
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Old May 18th, 2004, 02:14 PM

PrinzMegaherz PrinzMegaherz is offline
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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

ALL VINE OGRE army... that wouldn't be so hot. However, combined as something ELSE the enemy must deal with, along with whatever else you have, vine ogres can make a big difference, especially because they don't use food, are fairly fast, and you get a lot of toughness for every spare ordinary leadership point you have.
I don't think vine ogres are bad. My Last game as Man used lots of them (30 Ogres + 70 Longbows for most armies), but again, summoning 3 of them is a very slow process... I like troll kings court. even though it might be too expensive, it is fast.
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Old May 18th, 2004, 06:03 PM

Vynd Vynd is offline
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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

Originally posted by Kel:
Much like, in other threads, where invicible != unbalanced...

Worst summon != Useless.

- Kel
Yes, I concur! Best of/Worst of lists are a time honored American pastime! There's no reason I can see why people shouldn't voice their opinions about which summons are the worst. Gandalf may be right that no summon is useless, but some are definitely better than others. And if someone thinks that Ice Devils are a terrible summon because he's never figured out how to use them properly, then let him voice his opinion and benefit from the collective wisdom of forum.
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Old May 18th, 2004, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

Originally posted by Vynd:
Originally posted by Kel:
Much like, in other threads, where invicible != unbalanced...

Worst summon != Useless.

- Kel
Yes, I concur! Best of/Worst of lists are a time honored American pastime! There's no reason I can see why people shouldn't voice their opinions about which summons are the worst.
The symbol = means equal. The symbol != is programmer-speak for not-equal.

My real problem with the conversation is that there is never a "best" or a "worst". In any conversation on any subject. Especially in something that allows this much diference of opinion.

Maybe if it was "worst for combat" or "worst for Ermor" or "worst for cost" then it would be a debate. But a flat "worst" or "best" is going to be wrong (for someone, and right for others)

[ May 18, 2004, 17:41: Message edited by: Gandalf Parker ]
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Old May 18th, 2004, 09:34 PM

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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

Hmm, well now that I look at it again I'm not sure what Kel was trying to say with "invincible != unbalanced." A sarcastic comment, perhaps. But I certainly understood the "worst != useless" to mean "worst does not equal useless." And that's the part I was agreeing with. Just because some folks think that that Corpse Man, or some Soulless, is the worst summon in the game doesn't necessarily mean they are saying it is useless. So why come down on us for registering our opinions?

I totally agree with you Gandalf that there is no such thing as an absolute "Best" or "Worst." Best and Worst are subjective terms. But for this very reason I took the question of "Worst summon?" to be a subjective one, and I think most everyone else did too. Is there something inherently wrong with our registering subjective opinions, on anything? Personally, I think not.

[ May 19, 2004, 00:23: Message edited by: Vynd ]
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Old May 19th, 2004, 01:37 AM

HotNifeThruButr HotNifeThruButr is offline
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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

I'd say something, but then I'd be echoing Potatoman.

BTW, I've never actually used Celestial Servants. I mean, they might be good with an armor buff, but I'll be damned if anything but my Pretender can actually summon them without Emps.
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Old May 19th, 2004, 03:07 AM

Kel Kel is offline
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Default Re: Worst Summon ??

Originally posted by Vynd:
Hmm, well now that I look at it again I'm not sure what Kel was trying to say with "invincible != unbalanced." A sarcastic comment, perhaps.
I wasn't being sarcastic. I shouldn't have used programmer speak, that was my mistake. Doing it for a living, you forget where the line is sometimes I apologize for any confusion.

Originally posted by Vynd:

Gandalf may be right that no summon is useless, but some are definitely better than others.
That's exactly what I meant. I was also trying to tie it to other threads where people went to similar extremes in saying something was balanced because there were possible ways to defeat it.

I actually have the total opposite view of Gandalf in that I think something is pretty much always unbalanced, something is always strongest and something is always weakest. I think that's true of simple games and the more 'deep' the game, the more likely it is to be true. That doesn't mean it's totally broken or even that anything is worth the effort to change. It's just the nature of the beast.

Some things may be more useful in different situations and I don't think any spell is useless but if you were to assign a number to 4 facets of a spell, 1) How often it is useful, 2) How strong it is when it is useful and 3) How strong it is when it isn't really it's prime time and 4) the cost....I think it would be clear that some spells are stronger, *overall*, taking all factors into account, than others.

You could point out how you can develop whole strategies around some spell that everyone thinks is the worst...and you might be able to make that strategy workable...and that's always fun...but it can still be the worst spell. It's just that you have developed a workable strategy that is focused around the worst spell

- Kel

[ May 19, 2004, 02:09: Message edited by: Kel ]
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