Originally Posted by Dimaz
On turn 31 I finally hit constr 8, and it was the beginning of the end:
turn 32: Failed creating The Chalice, Tome of Gaia, dimensional rod, etc.
turn 33: Failed creating Sickle, etc
turn 34: Failed creating Gate Stone, etc
(turn 31)
DrPraetor: You want to make all these items with two forgers at once, at opposite ends of the turn order? That's a potential waste of gems...
Calahan: No! Everyone else could be making these artifacts *right now*! Hurry hurry hurry!
DrPraetor: I think that's unlikely, our opponents have more RP than I do, if they were rushing construction they'd have had Const 8 *turns ago*.
DrPraetor: also, I want to say something *really stupid* that will drive home my comical ineptitude.
(turn 33)
DrPraetor: See? We got all the artefacts we wanted no problem. What's the rush to make the gatestone?