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Old September 16th, 2006, 05:23 PM

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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

OK. That explains the colonization techs but the other examples still need to be adressed. Many to list. Just look through the research screen using the search criteria I have mentioned.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

Wade said:
OK. That explains the colonization techs but the other examples still need to be adressed. Many to list. Just look through the research screen using the search criteria I have mentioned.
I'm not sure what other areas are showing problems? Aside from the pic not showing the level number (although a right click on the research area will show you) what is the problem?
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Old September 16th, 2006, 05:45 PM

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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

Ok. Thanks Kwok. My bad. I'm not even that much of a newbie and this confused me a little.

I'm curious how many levels to the same hull and units works; such as Frigate,Colony Sip, and Small Freighter.It sounds neat. Must be like size and weight and cost and the such.

Any way, yes, like you say Kwok, it REALLY needs to show the level in "Expected Results". Especially for new players/customers.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

The ship hulls increase in size with higher tech levels. Stock does it haphazardly but oh well. It's a nice feature though.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 06:02 PM

MasterChiToes MasterChiToes is offline
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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

Besides a violation lock up from repeated IM popups (the crashing one being during the launch satellite screen i believe), the bugs I have encountered so far are:

In Empire creation, you can sell off all the default technologies... giving tons of tech credits and you still get all the default tech.

There is also something funky in the empire management reporting... I was getting out of resources stops, when the reported expenses were less than my resource income... then with a net income of about 8k each of organics and radioactives, I went from 0 in storage to 50k in storage in two turns.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

If you open up the fleet report, right-click on a ship to open the ship report, and then again right-click on anything in the ship (cargo, component), it will open up the appropriate report, but will also open an entirely new (and different) ship report on top that you have to close before you can view the other stuff.

I've built 3 light carriers, which carry up to 22 small fighters each. I noticed that after each (strategic) battle my carriers were always totally drained of supplies. I watched the replay, and also noticed that nearly half of my fighters would begin to flee immediately after launching.

Apparently, your fighters "leech" supplies and ordnance from their mothership. My carriers only had enough total supplies for half of the fighters. The little buggers hold nearly 1000 supplies and 80 ordnance each, and my carrier only has 10,000 supplies and 600 ordnance. The supplied fighters didn't even show signs of supply/ordnance consumption, despite being armed with DUCs. The rest would launch, find themselves with 0 supplies and ordnance, and flee. I wouldn't have a problem with this conceptually if the surviving fighters would return to their carriers with the supplies/ordnance, but the stuff seems to just vanish. My carriers would then be sitting ducks when the next strategic turn came around, unable to move and effectively anchoring my entire fleet until they could be resupplied.

They are NASTY in combat though.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 06:59 PM
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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

Will said:[*] Click-and-drop for designing is slow. Allow double clicking a component to auto-add or auto-remove from the design.

Hold shift and click on a comp in the design to remove it. Hold shift and left click to add a comp, and keep the current selection. Handy for adding engines and such.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 08:02 PM

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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

Shift clicking, such as used in ship design, should be noted on the appropriate screen. Perhaps with a scroll over.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

[b]Ragnarok-X said:[
The first suggestions that into mind is on the create design screen, right-clicking on a component opens a detail view for it. In order to close that detail-windows, you need to click close. Instead, a second right-click would be much better. As in click-open........click-close.
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Old September 16th, 2006, 08:31 PM

MasterChiToes MasterChiToes is offline
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Default Re: SE5 Demo Bug Reports

MasterChiToes said:
There is also something funky in the empire management reporting... I was getting out of resources stops, when the reported expenses were less than my resource income... then with a net income of about 8k each of organics and radioactives, I went from 0 in storage to 50k in storage in two turns.
Tried it again in another game... It seems any resource that zeroes out gets stuck at 0... I was producing 8k and spending maybe 500 and the depleted resources never recovered... however, saving and reloading seemed to cause the resources to jump from 0 to 20k in one turn (rather greater than the production per turn).
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