A Military Book List
This is just what the world needs, another book list on the internet.
Here is a list of some of my favorite military books, some are on-topic for our game; most are not though. I would like to get your thoughts on these if you�ve read any of them or post a list of suggestions. Especially if you�re from outside the United States, I�m curious to know of books published in your home country that give a different perspective.
In no particular order:
The Pentagon Wars: Reformers Challenge the Old Guard by James Burton. This was an eye-opening book for me. Those of you who saw the excellent HBO movie should know that there is more to this than the story of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle debacle. Pentagon Wars delves deep into the ingrained mindset of buying expensive, high tech weaponry when low tech, robust weapon would be better. The chapters on air interdiction strategy versus a close support strategy (Stealth bomber vs. A10 Thunderbolt) are worth the price alone.
Misfire by William H. Hallahan. Misfire is out of print now and it goes for 50+ used on Amazon but if you can find it at a library is well worth the read. It traces the failure of the Army in procuring the best available rifle for its soldiers from the Civil War to the modern era. The chapters on what really happened to the M16 were fascinating. I disagree with the author�s use of S.L.A Marshall�s theories to support his claims. The book would have been fine without Marshall�s dubious accusations.
The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power by Max Boot. Max Boot writes a great history of the small wars of the 19th and 20th century, but the conclusions he draws at the end seem to contradict what he just wrote. His conclusions may be a political justification for modern policy but the history is outstanding. See for yourself.
Of Arms and Men: A History or War, Weapons and Aggression by Robert O�Connell. This book doesn�t just trace the evolution of weapons; it demonstrates how tactics, ideas and the perception of wars are shaped by the weapons themselves. The authors analyzes of the battleship, which he believes is the most overrated weapon in world history and he gives evidence to back it up, is thought provoking as is the entire book. Of Arms and Men was first published in 1989 so the chapter on nuclear weapons probably needs a revision in another edition but it does not detract from the overall book.
Conflict: The History of the Korean War by Robert Leckie. Prolific writer Robert Leckie gives an excellent one volume account and analyzes of the Korean War. Leckies book further strengthened my belief that Douglas McArthur is almost impossible to get a grasp on.
Ghost Soldiers: The Forgotten Epic Story of World War II�s Most Dramatic Mission by Hampton Sides. Hampton Sides tells the incredible story of the Bataan Death March and the raid on Cabanatuan. Highly recommended.
Battle Cry of Freedom by James M. McPherson is the single greatest one-volume account of the American Civil War. I couldn�t do a book list without including this one. Even if you�ve read a lot about the American Civil War, you have to read this book because it puts everything into such a context that it�s like learning it for the first time. Absolutely first rate.
I�ll add some more books later but I really want your input even if its one book. I�m always looking for a good book,