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Old September 23rd, 2003, 07:04 PM
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Default Re: I\'m curious�

psitticine: I'm from County Derry - up north, just the other side of the border from Donegal. Of course, being on the other side of the border I never learned Irish, something about which I am pretty regretful. So a PBeM game in Gaelic wouldn't do me too much good!

Where in Donegal do you hail from? (my mother's hometown is Moville [sp?], up in the northeastern corner of Donegal)

[ September 23, 2003, 18:07: Message edited by: st.patrik ]
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 10:58 PM

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Default Re: I\'m curious�

Originally posted by Pocus:
hello Jasper.

You should know that french is a garbled language... when you think french, you should invert all the words, nearly

I too speak french

je parle aussi francais

simple. Just try to be logical, then revert all your logic. Like if you try to think 'womanish'.

sorry. I like women.
They are so useful.
sorry again.
I know at least _that_ much. ;-) I was trying (and failing!) to make a small joke...

Thanks for the tip though; I know some people get offended when their language usage is corrected, but I find it's the only way to improve.

Qui mal parle Fran�ais ;-)
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 11:08 PM

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Default Re: I\'m curious�

yes I hesitated a bit but I knew you would react intelligently, which is, for an American a ra.. oops sorry.
Currently playing: Dominions III, Civilization IV, Ageod American Civil War.
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Old September 24th, 2003, 02:24 AM

Psitticine Psitticine is offline
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Default Re: I\'m curious�

Originally posted by st.patrik:
psitticine: I'm from County Derry - up north, just the other side of the border from Donegal. Of course, being on the other side of the border I never learned Irish, something about which I am pretty regretful. So a PBeM game in Gaelic wouldn't do me too much good!

Where in Donegal do you hail from? (my mother's hometown is Moville [sp?], up in the northeastern corner of Donegal)
My family came from a place called St. Charles, which may no longer exist. We've got loads of records all pointing to a place that doesn't seem to be on any modern maps.

But with a name like that, and being it is/was in Donegal, maybe they just renamed it to something Gaelic.

[ September 24, 2003, 01:26: Message edited by: Psitticine ]
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Old September 24th, 2003, 06:26 PM
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Default Re: I\'m curious�

that's pretty interesting� St. Charles� It definitely doesn't sound Irish. Any idea where in the county it was located? How long ago was this, BTW?
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Old September 25th, 2003, 02:20 AM

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Default Re: I\'m curious�

It was somewhere on or near the Donegal coastline, possibly even on one of the Atlantic-side islands. It was in the late 1600s and early 1700s that my ancestors emmigrated, and that's where the specific placename appears as a place-of-birth as well as a point of departure. The records of their forebearers go back to the 1300s, but there's no record of earlier birth- or deathplaces beyond just "Donegal, Ireland".

I've wondered many times if the records got muddled and "St. Charles" was never really a place name. It would, indeed, have been a weird thing to name a town in Ireland. It's only the fact the references to it are scattered through several unrelated documents that makes me think it is a valid reference.

Ah well . . . the search continues.
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