It appears that you guys are not familiar with the guts of this mod (nobody expects you to inspect every line
), so:
The Current Guts of the Pirates MOD
Relating to most of your questions.
VJ's Qs:
Maybe a better solution is to only load minimal pop onto each colony ship and to have re-usable pop transports equipped with SDDs?
That clearly assumes that the population is more important than the colony, but in fact, for a pirate, the opposite is true. They desperately need colony components, but will often space aliens rather than hold them for a few years until a suitable colony is captured.
The pirates cannot research colony ship hulls OR colony components, the same way that most races cannot research Organic Armor.
This means that the pirates
can only colonize a world if they capture a colony ship with the colony component intact, since they cannot repair it.
The pirates are not concerned with the population on board, but rather the colony itself. All the pirates want is a military outpost with a resupply depot, space yard & slave yards as bonus. They cannot build colony ships on their own.
As for a benefit to the normal races, Self-destructing prevents the pirate race from expanding
at all
I would vote for SDD's on colony ships if nothing else was changed.
I would vote for no SDD's if Pirates were given a huge negative to happiness, you can have all the colonies you want but if they are rioting you get no benefit from them
The problem here is with the SE4 engine. Pirate races should be designed with happiness, reproduction & environment resist (as well as other blanet-based attributes) set
to thier minimum levels
Happiness at -50% seems to mean that the race is always Indifferent.
Unless that has changed in a recent patch, -ve happiness won't hurt any more than it already does.
2 as for capital ships, I like the idea of them building up to BC's only, but also include Lt. Carriers. Other then that they have to capture or steal the larger ones
Pirates should be designed with -50% ship construction rate.
This means that LCs take a year to build, and BC's or bigger are long obsolete by the time you finish building the prototype
As a Pirate, I would never build anything larger than LC, since it would take longer to build ONE than to capture and retrofit FIVE.
4. Pirates should have some form of research capabilities. In old days wasn't necessary, but with Space Pirates this would be a must.
They would either steal scientists to keep up to improve their "evil ways" or steal it. Maybe restrictions but definitly should have some type of this capability.
Pirates start out with a planet full of research facils, but with -50% to research, they get the same staring research as any other race. The research quickly falls behind as normals build research colonies, and the pirates sit waiting for captures.
After turn 40 or so, a pirate only researches stuff they can't capture, like armor.
Like the idea of ftrs being able to capture this would be interesting.
I gave the pirates a Boarding Pod to put on fighters, the game engine may or may not allow the capture order to go through, I haven't gotten to the point where I can test it yet. Heres hoping
Here's my questions - you destroy the colony component (and therefore the SDD) and capture an AI colonizer. Can you then REPAIR it(which would pretty much defeat the purpose of the SDD)? AND, could you take the damaged hull back and retrofit it into a pirate colony ship?
If we make a new component, PIrate Rock Colony, then you would not be able to repair the colony component you blew away.
You cannot retrofit between hull sizes, so you can't retro from colony to Pirate colony.
The idea behind not allowing pirates to build colony ships was based on a story-book idea of pirates. Ie. pirates wouldn't be able to put together an expedition to start a city in north america, but if they happened to board a ship from England, or somewheres, that was intended to start a city in the new world, then they might just go ahead and try it.
As it is, an AI colony ship has no shields or SDD, so it can be captured extremely easily. Adding the SDD would mean that a good fraction of ships would be damaged beyond usefulness before they were captured, slowing the pirates planet colonization from its currently reduced rate to a trickle.
If the standard colony component was made to fit the not a pirate trait and the special colony component was made exclusively available to the is a pirate trait it should work.
I think you can repair tech that is ordinarily not available to you but I'm not 100% sure on that. You should be able to use it if you captured it undamaged though.
This may be a good way of limiting the pirates ability to overcolonize
Actually, that is how it works now, except there is no special colony component for pirates. As it is, the pirates must capture alien colony ships intact to start a colony, and they can still expand too fast, since the AI dosen't defend its colony ships well. The SDD will reduce pirate expansion by I'm guessing 70% or so. Currently it is easy to get a new colony every year or two, not including ground-war troop captures.
I feel that the pirates starting a new colony of thier own choice should be a momentus occasion.
[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 06 April 2001).]