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Old July 21st, 2005, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

A couple more wishes for me:
1. Make it work on WINE!!!! I don't wanna go back to windows!
2. Little nitpick: could you rename "weapons platforms", since a) they share an abbreviation with "warp points", confusing everyone, and b) they can be used for more than weapons (armor, combat sensors, ???)
3. Add an option to require ships to travel to the proper lagrange point or whatever to open a warp point (in other words, if you want to open a warp point to a system to the right on the map, you have to travel to the right side of the system to do it).
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Old July 21st, 2005, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Along with Ed's suggestion with WINE, I will reiterate once again, make it work on Mac OS X! (pretty please? I'll give you my first born.)
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Old July 21st, 2005, 11:34 PM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Hmm, but is that a good trade? I'd want the option to have your second or third born if the look better value.
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Old July 22nd, 2005, 01:56 AM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Ed Kolis said:
2. Little nitpick: could you rename "weapons platforms", since a) they share an abbreviation with "warp points", confusing everyone, and b) they can be used for more than weapons (armor, combat sensors, ???)

I vote for the great name of 'Ground Bases'

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Old July 22nd, 2005, 03:29 AM

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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Kana said:
Ed Kolis said:
2. Little nitpick: could you rename "weapons platforms", since a) they share an abbreviation with "warp points", confusing everyone, and b) they can be used for more than weapons (armor, combat sensors, ???)

I vote for the great name of 'Ground Bases'

Why not just call them Defense Platforms

anyways, this is especially needed in Infantry or crews are included in the core game, Troops, ships, anything that would require a person to operate can be effected by Biological\Chemical Weapons.

Just as an example, Base A gets attacked with a missle carrying the Plague level 3, owner of Base A doesnt have a cure so the crew dies off but the base is still infected allowing for Race B to come threw and take or destory easily Base A, in addition if race A had changed the crew out, all crews or ships troops etc that come in contact with crew from Base A will be infected aswell. So hitting one base could potential destroy the entire race if the person was careless.

Of cource something like this would take at least a year or so, so the chance to save everyone by researching the right tech would be available.

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Old July 22nd, 2005, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

I've probably mentioned this several times before, but what about randomized tech trees? Each tech could have in addition to a base level of each of its prerequisites a maximum positive variance (which determines how much the prerequisite level can vary) and a probability of occurrence. So if Phased Polaron Beams required level 5 physics with a 2-level variance and a 80% probability then they could appear anywhere from level 3 to level 7 of physics, or they could simply not appear one out of five times. Additionally, you could have a game option which sets whether each race gets their own uniquely randomized tech tree (balanced of course in some fashion so one race doesn't get all the fancy techs early and another never gets anything ) or if all races in the game get the same tech tree. Imagine what that could do to tech trading, assuming (unlike MOO3 which implemented a similar system) that each race does not know without using intel what another race's tech tree looks like!
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Old July 23rd, 2005, 12:52 AM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Colonel said:
Why not just call them Defense Platforms

To me 'platforms' just sound like something in space...or the air...And Ground Bases could be used for other things, not just offense and defense...

As for the Random Tech...a nice interesting idea...I don't really thing that tech research should be directly linear...sometimes you get a brainstorm or luck, and you get something early, or get bogged down with problems and setbacks...and get research later...

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Old July 27th, 2005, 10:22 AM

LordFulgrymm LordFulgrymm is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Random Tech is probably a good thing...anyway, just a few more random thoughts which may (or may not!) be nice to see included in the game:

Paying "research maintenence" i.e. a percentage of research points need to be expended just to keep your current level of technology (representing training/teaching); otherwise you will start losing tech levels (might be more appropriate to rename research to knowledge or something in this case)...that way you can bomb someone back to the stoneage. Also means you still need some research even when you reach the end of the tech tree.

Have a "facility prerequisite" on components (or even other facilities), so you can have factory facilities that "build" components (at least in abstact terms) - for example, you want to build that quantum engine do you? well, have you got a quantum engine factory in your empire? No factory, no engines. Could extend it so more advanced weapons/components need more infrastucture present, so lets say, basic DUC doesn't need a factory, APB 1 needs a single level 1 weapons factory, APB 2 needs a single level 2 weapons factory, PPB 3 needs 2 level 3 weapons factories, WMG needs 5 factories at level 10, etc (these are just arbitrary numbers BTW). Extending it to facilities, could have something like "uber research centre" which requires the existence of, say, 10 basic research centres before it can be built...

entries in the components text files would look something like this:
Types of Facilities Req := 1
Number of Facility Req 1 :=5
Facility Name Req 1 := Weapons Factory
Facility Tech Level Req 1 := 10
Facility Location Req 1 := Empire ; can be Sector,System or Empire

so this tells us we need 5 Weapons Factories at level 10, located anywhere in the empire, for us to be able to build this component

This is an alternative to (2)...could have it so the presence of the appropriate factory in the empire simply gives a small discount when building that component; having no relevant factory just means it costs more to build (hand built prototypes or whatever..no mass production). Could have it so the bonus kicks in only if the required level and number of factories are present in the empire.

Could use the same format as the previous example, just add the following lines:
Facility Effect Req 1 := Bonus ;can be Enable or Bonus
Facility Bonus Req 1: 50

enable tells us if the component is "enabled" by the facility (i.e. can't be built without its existence), otherwise bonus tells us the percentage reduction in cost when building that component
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Old July 28th, 2005, 11:20 AM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Great ideas..... however, if it's not implemented already, there's little chance that it'll ever be in the first release, seeing as to the fact that it's already in such an advanced stage. Really good suggestions, though.
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Old July 28th, 2005, 02:11 PM

Spacenoob Spacenoob is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Tach =)

okay some idea from me about sensors:

how about to make sensor have like 3 diffrent ranges.

1. long to very long range: You see there is something, just a ping )
2. short to long rang: You see the strengh from then ping (ships, typ) but cant see more
3. short range: You see detailed informations from ship, race , etc.

with tec-tree you can research diffrent sensors like very long range senors but they are bad at close range, or good short range sensors with very close long range...

dont know if someone has this idea earlyer in this threat (too much for me to read =) )
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