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Old September 26th, 2013, 06:12 PM

Pibwl Pibwl is offline
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Default Re: Off-map artillery

Romania part 2

76 107mm mle.10/12 - 209
- I don't know what it is. A caliber suggests, that it is Russian obr.10, but did Romania use them? They are not mentioned on a quoted page. They would have to capture a number during WW1. Anyway, 107 mm obr.10 had max range 12+ km, just like French 105 mm mle.13 = 202/3

78 105mm GebH 40 - 212 - GebH 40 = 203 (12.6 km)
Note, that this Romanian page doesn't list GebH 40, but lists Bohler 105mm mountain howitzer with extraordinary range of 16.6km http://www.worldwar2.ro/arme/?article=800

79 150mm vz.34 FH - 212 - real 15 km = 205 http://www.worldwar2.ro/arme/?article=321

80 152mm M10-30 FH - 208
A question is, what it is supposed to be (available from 1942). 152mm obr.1910/30 was a gun with a range of 17 km = 207, but it was rare even in Soviet service (152 in 1936). More typical was obr.1910/34, also with a range 17 km.
This Romanian page lists 152mm md.10/30 as a field howitzer, not gun, but with no details http://www.worldwar2.ro/arme/?language=en&section=18
But the Russians had 152mm howitzers obr.09/30 and 10/37, according to "Artillery of SSSR in WW2", both with around 10km range - 200. (Obr.10/30 was also a designation of 122mm howitzer).

Same thing is for the Soviet oob - I haven't noticed the problem earlier, giving range 17 km for 004 152mm M1910/30. But it seems, that it should be howitzer 09/30 with 200 range (and the picture suggests so). There is no other early 152mm howitzer in the oob.
However, there could be available also 152mm gun 1910/30, from 1/30, to give Soviets long range heavy artillery, which they had from a beginning.

81 120mm D-B M1878 - 203 - real 12.4km = OK

109 150mm vz.14 FH - 200 - no data, but low value seems OK.

110 155mm FC16 S - 202
- if it's Schneider mle.17 field gun, than it's 17.3km = 207/8

111 4.5inch FG - 200
- a question is, if it is 4.5in Field Gun (real 18.8 km = 209 - but from where would they take them?) or 4.5in Howitzer, which is on-map (6.6 km - mentioned with the British oob).
Icon of unit 141 has long barrel, although the photo is howitzer.

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Old September 26th, 2013, 06:38 PM

PvtJoker PvtJoker is offline
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Default Re: Off-map artillery

64 100mm vz.16 FH - 202 - old Skoda mountain howitzer - according to http://www.worldwar2.ro/arme/?article=327 only 7.7km

67 100mm vz.14 FH - 203 - Skoda = 200 (9.3km)

These are basically the same gun, both Skoda WW1 howitzers. Both had the same length gun tube and had at least 48 degrees maximum elevation (in fact the vz.16 had 70 degrees). The range with original Austrian ammo was probably closer to the 8 than 9 km, although there were different shells (light & heavy) for these guns even in WW1 before the Italians got their hands on them. SO, it's possible that the 7.7 km figure is with heavy and 9.3 km with the light shell.

Which reminds me:

Quote from Wikipedia.it (http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%A0k...z._1914/1916):

Il cannone da montagna (modello 16) era scomponibile in tre carichi per il traino animale su carrelli a due ruote, utilizzando una sola pariglia. Le altre differenze con il modello 14 erano date dalla bocca da fuoco ed affusto alleggeriti, dalla sala accorciata e dalle ruote di piccolo diametro per permettere il movimento su strade con carreggiata ridotta, culla con gli orecchioni arretrati (che quindi richiedeva equilibratori irrobustiti) e scudo scomponibile. Per la scomposizione del pezzo una squadra di 15 uomini impiegava circa 20 minuti[1].
Original source is Filippo Cappellano: Le artiglierie del Regio Esercito nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale, Albertelli Edizioni Speciali, Parma 1998, ISBN 88-87372-03-9

The range given at Wikipedia.it (9800 m) is most likely with improved Italian 1930s ammunition.

About the 105/32 gun as modified by the Italians: max range was 13640 m. Max. range for the original Skoda 104mm gun was 12700 m according to Italian sources.

Hogg is a little hit and miss when it comes to anything not from the "big four" in WW2 (and some Soviet stuff as well), so I would take his numbers with a little grain of salt for anything not made in the US, UK or Germany. This is not to say he wasn't an excellent researcher, but he did make mistakes like everyone else.

And oh, first post on this forum. Just started to play SPWW2 again after a long pause and couldn't keep me eyes off the OOB files and do a "little" fact checking. Major time waster, almost worse than PowerPoint!
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Old September 26th, 2013, 06:51 PM

PvtJoker PvtJoker is offline
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Default Re: Off-map artillery

109 150mm vz.14 FH - 200 - no data, but low value seems OK.

The same as Italian 149/13 howitzer. Skoda WW1, built in large numbers. Original designation 15cm Feldhaubitze M.14 Maximum range 7,9 km with original ammo. (8,8 km with Italian).

Don't worry, you won't find it in the Italian OOB, which is just a "little" off when it comes to artillery pieces... I am currently working on a custom OOB with corrections. I could report the artillery stuff here, although it would be long like your recent posts, but there is a lot of other errors there as well, including some fantasy vehicles (no, I don't mean just the Semovente 155 which is quite correctly labeled as such).
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