My circumstances exactly...Cold War TOEs are surprisingly hard to find online, and I've had to collect field manuals to cross reference and corroborate other sources. Army online historical works have shed some light, but these don't usually go into the detail level I need for TOE research. There are occasional gems, like A Study of the Maneuver Battalion Reconnaissance or Scout Platoon by MAJ Craig Harju Sr from 1989, which cover armored and cavalry unit scout and recon platoons in some detail, but infantry scout/recon coverage is spotty. Other sources like the Grunt Online site started out with odd org tables (the green text on black background pages), then went to more recognizable org tables with the black text on white background redo (but still no actual TOEs). The two things that actually got me started on TOE research were both printed material in the late 1970s/early 1980s: a ROCO Minitanks catalog with a full H-series mech battalion in vehicle silhouettes, and a booklet called The World's Major Armies by Enola Games, a now-defunct wargames company, which had H-series equipment tables for just about everything...unfortunately both of these were lost over the years, but they got the ball rolling