Another fast paced game for those with at least some MP experience.
Players: 8
Era: EA
Map: Realm of Roaring Rhinos (169 + 16, wrap) (Thx to Elmokki for this great map)
Magic site freq: 55
Renaming On
Graph On
Hall of Fame 15
Everything else set as default
Turn length: 30h as long as possible.
Mods: CBM 1.92 / Streamers and standards
Diplo: Everything is allowed.
Victory Condition: Last standing or survivors agree for a winner.
Game exploits are forbidden (Bogus orders, Troops blocking, lab filling and the recruitment of 0g Ettin)
First to pick first served.
You can change nation until the game starts.
Players - Nations :
Bullock - Ctis
HoleyDooley - Hinnom
Tigercub - niefellheim
Ghoul31 - Pangaea
Krpeters - Ulm
mockingbird - Mictlan
KeithZ - Abysia
GFSnl - Fomoria