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Old August 28th, 2001, 06:41 AM
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Default Re: P&N Pirates: too weak?


Did you see the thread "SEIV is being pirated?" ...........sorry, lame joke.


On the topic of Nomads and asteroids. Battlemoon is cool. However, I am talking about starting the game with one. They are so prohibitively expensive that it would take quite a while to build another. This would be the homeworld, rather than a planet. I haven't got that far in my playtesting, but could it be outfitted with crew quarters that let the population reproduce? You actually live on it and build facilities within it. A mobile planet. Can it be done with SEIV?

Again, no one is going to win SEIV with a nomadic race. But they have to move 1 or 2 behemoth asteroids around with a massive swarm of a fleet to protect their assets. They drift slowly from star system to star system until they find a place to "settle". Just don't cross a warp with a blackhole... instant death of your race at a movement rate of 1-2.

The Good Doc

"Henceforth I spread confident wings to space
I fear no barrier of crystal or glass;
I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite.
And while I rise from my own globe to others
And penetrate even further through the eternal field,
That which others saw from afar, I leave far behind me."

-Giordano Bruno
"On the Infinite Universe and Worlds," 1584
The Good Doc

Henceforth I spread confident wings to space
I fear no barrier of crystal or glass;
I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite.
And while I rise from my own globe to others
And penetrate even further through the eternal field,
That which others saw from afar, I leave far behind me.

-Giordano Bruno
On the Infinite Universe and Worlds, 1584
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Old August 28th, 2001, 07:44 AM
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Default Re: P&N Pirates: too weak?

way back when, someone figured out a mod that would permit asteroids to be colonized. does anyone remember how it was done?

from what i remember, facility slots were based on the size of the asteroid field, and were identical to those of a planet that size.. but i could be wrong, and i would thing that it could be edited in the planet sizes text file.

this could also make for a very interesting theme game, if you did some heavy tech tree edits. you could have two kinds of races, asteroid dwellers and planet dwellers. asteroid dwellers would get a racial tech that gave them asteroid colonization and planet destroyers. planet dwellers would get planet colonization tech and planet creators.

which reminds me, i am certain that colonies are destroyed with a planet. i seem to remember with the above mentioned mod that colonies were not destroyed if a colonized asteroid field is turned into a planet. i could have just imagined that though.

"...the green, sticky spawn of the stars"
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
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Old August 28th, 2001, 09:16 AM
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Default Re: P&N Pirates: too weak?

Baron Munchausen,
your idea for the hard code changes to make monsters and Pirates work are great. Especially for the "empire controlled" pirates. You should post them in the most-bang-for-the-buck topic.
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Old August 28th, 2001, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: P&N Pirates: too weak?

On the topic of Nomads and asteroids. Battlemoon is cool. However, I am talking about starting the game with one. They are so prohibitively expensive that it would take quite a while to build another. This would be the homeworld, rather than a planet. I haven't got that far in my playtesting, but could it be outfitted with crew quarters that let the population reproduce? You actually live on it and build facilities within it. A mobile planet. Can it be done with SEIV?
"Planetary cloaks - and planetary engines! - are on the todo list. He's just been so busy with bugs that he's not been able to add all the features he'd like yet. " - Baron Munchausen
With that, and a little scenario modding (build a planetary engine on nomad's homeworld before uploading to PBW as 1st turn), you've got your nomadic start.

Again, no one is going to win SEIV with a nomadic race. But they have to move 1 or 2 behemoth asteroids around with a massive swarm of a fleet to protect their assets. They drift slowly from star system to star system until they find a place to "settle". Just don't cross a warp with a blackhole... instant death of your race at a movement rate of 1-2.
The nomad who does not scout ahead, is already dead

Note that a BlackHole does not mean instant death for a BattleMoon (or even a baseship).
In fact, you merely need to spend 1020 KT to make a BlackHole-Proof Vehicle.

Just place 24 Organic or Crystalline Armor, Premium Mount, and 3 Repair Bays.
You get 5040 armor, repaired every turn, and BlackHoles do 5000 damage by default.

Once you are stable on the event horizon, you can retrofit your vehicle and add Lots of Emergency propulsion, then muscle your way out. Races with advanced propulsion can get 4 movement with EP.
Or, I suppose, anybody could open a warppoint on the event horizon, and warp through.
In that case, anybody who tries to follow the warppoint back towards your base of operations/Homeworld gets a nasty surprise

The latest info on Pirates & Nomads (forum thread).
-<Download V2.3>- (just extract to your SE4 folder)
-<Download P&N Classic>- (The final release of P&N v1.x, just extract to your SE4 folder)
-<Download compatible EMPs for P&N v1.2 through v1.7>-
-<Download SJs latest AI Patcher>-
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Other Links:
-<Play By Web>-
-<Schlock Mercenary>- (great space-based webcartoon) -<First Strip>-
-<8-bit Theater>- (fun comic with the pixellated FF1 characters)

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[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 28 August 2001).]
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Old August 29th, 2001, 06:56 AM
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Default Re: P&N Pirates: too weak?

Note that a BlackHole does not mean instant death for a BattleMoon (or even a baseship).
In fact, you merely need to spend 1020 KT to make a BlackHole-Proof Vehicle.

Just place 24 Organic or Crystalline Armor, Premium Mount, and 3 Repair Bays.
You get 5040 armor, repaired every turn, and BlackHoles do 5000 damage by default.

Once you are stable on the event horizon, you can retrofit your vehicle and add Lots of Emergency propulsion, then muscle your way out. Races with advanced propulsion can get 4 movement with EP.
Or, I suppose, anybody could open a warppoint on the event horizon, and warp through.
In that case, anybody who tries to follow the warppoint back towards your base of operations/Homeworld gets a nasty surprise.

Have you actually built and done this? If so, then I am truly not worthy. I stand in awe of your modding skills. What is the view like from the event horizon?

Which leads me to another dimension of SEIV. How about warping those points from the event horizon into another current game of SEIV? I think this would be the ultimate, the SEIV multiverse.

"Planetary cloaks - and planetary engines! - are on the todo list. He's just been so busy with bugs that he's not been able to add all the features he'd like yet. " - Baron Munchausen
With that, and a little scenario modding (build a planetary engine on nomad's homeworld before uploading to PBW as 1st turn), you've got your nomadic start.

And all of my wildest fantasies shall come true!

I'm not hard to please. It was a long, hard day at the office.

The Good Doc

"Henceforth I spread confident wings to space
I fear no barrier of crystal or glass;
I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite.
And while I rise from my own globe to others
And penetrate even further through the eternal field,
That which others saw from afar, I leave far behind me."

-Giordano Bruno
"On the Infinite Universe and Worlds," 1584
The Good Doc

Henceforth I spread confident wings to space
I fear no barrier of crystal or glass;
I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite.
And while I rise from my own globe to others
And penetrate even further through the eternal field,
That which others saw from afar, I leave far behind me.

-Giordano Bruno
On the Infinite Universe and Worlds, 1584
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Old August 29th, 2001, 09:19 AM
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Default Re: P&N Pirates: too weak?

Have you actually built and done this? If so, then I am truly not worthy. I stand in awe of your modding skills. What is the view like from the event horizon?
Not modding skills, ShipDesign skills! (plus a little peeking at the system creation txt file)

The view consists mostly of broken AI ships hurtling inwards , plus multiple images of your own base when you look along the horizon.
With a telescope, you can see your own back!

The file I've attached is from P&N v2.3, and on the right side of the map, you will find a BattleMoon sitting on the black hole.

If you gift the escort just outside the black hole to one of the AIs and take control of it, you can start a battle, and see:
-The battlemoon has full armor
-The battlemoon has 20K shields even in a black hole system (25K outside)

Note that in order to get the blackhole to destroy the battlemoon for you, you must punch through 20K shields, and destroy 30+ Biocrystal armors!
Or, you can null-space the repair bays , if of course, you can get past the Massive mount repulsor beams, and the Triple CoreMount PPBs (3K damage each)
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Old August 29th, 2001, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: P&N Pirates: too weak?

Originally posted by docshane:
What is the view like from the event horizon?

what, never saw _The Black Hole_ with that mad scientist sitting at the edge of the event horizon in his massive ship, and his evil robot, and those irritating little anti-grav bots, and the banged up one named Tex?

thats exactly what it looks like, really. its on film, must be real.

"...the green, sticky spawn of the stars"
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)
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