the Pyrochette can punish you quickly if you don't get rid of them early in a game.
Well rounded AI that can kill human players in multi-player games.
I include them in every game I play.
Always a challenge.
Huge fleets as well.
They should be respected.
they should be feared.
they should be feared and respected.
Not that this is a spanish inquisition or something.
Just hope their homeworld starts near the rage or some poor human player ( at the other end of the map
L? GdX $ Fr C++ SdT T+ Sf* Tcp+ A M++ MpTM ROTS Pw+ Fq+ Nd Rp++ G+
old avatar =
Hey GUTB where did you go...???
He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly