Sparked by the discussion in the Gath Dev Diary thread, would there be any general interest in seeing a mod where MA & LA Ermor were switched around?
It won't be very difficult at all for me to do the description changes for a mod that punts Broken Empire to Late Era and makes it a splinter offshoot of exiles returning from Pythium to restore Ermor. I may make one regardless of the level of interest here, but I figured I'd ask. All it needs is altered descriptions, really. A few minor tweaks to some unit equipment. Perhaps also some extra minor mage for them to give a bit more variety in magic than the AWSD they currently have.
I'll kindly thank Foodstamp for providing the skeleton of the mod in the dev diary thread, saves me from making that much structure.
Naturally, if Kristoffer feels that this is territory best left untrodden because he wants to keep it to himself, I will respect that and any mod I may or may not make will in such a case stay private.
So, speak up if you want to see this! If all I get is a general unenthusiastic 'meh' to this, I'll probably put it on backburner.
EDIT: Since Kristoffer himself decided to encourage me, here's a first draft
EDIT 2: Uploaded draft version 0.75 of the mod, with further modified Renata and Renatus, a thematically appropriate Cultist and a new unit, the Shadow Priestess. Shadow Vestal also got new graphics.