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Old January 17th, 2008, 04:41 PM
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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

Pantokrator is a name. You dont need "the".
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Old January 17th, 2008, 04:51 PM

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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

Maybe, but it usually is called The Pantokrator iirc.
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Old January 17th, 2008, 05:16 PM
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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

A 100 % non evil mod, a rare occurence.
I noticed the Tsayad, whom is said to have an above average accuracy in their background, have only 10 in precision.
10 times more numerous, by nigth and backstabbing.

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Old January 17th, 2008, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

Check out the Dominions3 overview page (http://www.shrapnelgames.com/Illwinter/Dom3/1.htm).
Specifically note the usage of "The Pantokrator"
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Old January 17th, 2008, 06:58 PM

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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

Humakty said:
A 100 % non evil mod, a rare occurence.
Will they still be good when I get around giving them the banefire-wielding Angel of Death as a farsummon? He doesn't have death magic though. He just kills everything dead.

I noticed the Tsayad, whom is said to have an above average accuracy in their background, have only 10 in precision.
Hmm, seems like they were victims of the general precision nerf.
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Old January 17th, 2008, 07:07 PM

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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

Endoperez said:
In case you haven't found it out already, units sprites have been extracted and are available in an easily downloadable form. If you want to give the mod more dominions-like graphics,
the sprites are here.
AWESOME!! Great, now maybe one day the mod will have better graphics.
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Old January 18th, 2008, 10:32 AM

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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

Agrajag said:
I went over the whole .dm file, and here are some suggestions/corrections:

Lo'hem's description:
"They and Shomrey Shayarot" should either be "They and Shomrey HaShayarot" (maybe with some different capitalization :S) or "They and the Shomrey Shayarot" (which makes less sense to me.) Consider changing "accurate" to "more accurate", though both are correct.
Lo'hem Vatik - consider having him start older, since he is a veteran. Possibly other units as well.
Lohem Mekudash - I know nothing about balance, but perhaps changing his awe 1 to awe 0 is possible and will work?
Sar Milhama - IIRC it should be "inspire their troops to deeds..." and not "inspire their troops into deeds..."
Sar Hamishim - "The Sarey Ha'hamishim" should either be "Sarey Ha'hamishim" or "The Sarey Hamishim", since "the" and "ha" are [somewhat] equivalent. For consistency, I'd suggest "The Sarey Hamishim"
Shophet - "... and they Judges ..." should be "... and the Judges ...". "righteousness" should be "righteousness" (appears twice). "from catastrophes" should IMO be "from many catastrophes" in order to be more intuitive.
Haham - according to their description, they are very fitting as fortune tellers.
Navi - "advisors of their" should IMO be "advisors to their". "Nevi'm" should be "Nevi'im"(more than once).
Shimshon's description - "immensively"->"immensely" "strenght"->"strength" (the sentence with "strength" should probably be revised a bit, maybe some punctuation)
Eliyyahu - "promtly"->"promptly", also, his name should probably be "Eliyahu" or "Eli'yahu". "people came convinced"->"people became convinced". "He fled away the wrath"->"He fled from the wrath" or maybe "He fled away from the wrath". I think "mount" could probably be "mountain". "to right track"->"to the right track"
Kruvim - singular of Kruvim is Kruv, so in the name, as well as wherever there is the singular form, it should be Kruv."unerthly"->"unearthly"."equiped"->"equipped"."with Aura"->"with an Aura" or "by an Aura"
Angel of Death - "as well declared"->"as well as declared"."upon them."->"upon themselves.".
#brief - "Ne'vim"->"Nevi'im"
#descr - "men who was"->"men that was", I think."was Pantokrator's" should probably be "was the Pantokrator's"."But Pantokrator"->"But the Pantokrator"."Ne'vim"->"Nevi'im".
Thanks. I'll try to fix these & the Tsayad precision, so we'll have 0.91 this weekend.

Meanwhile, the national summons, now that we finaly have them...so far I got only two ideas:

Call Kruvim

Summons one, or maybe several of the following:

#ap 16
#mapmove 3
#hp 17
#prot 7
#size 3
#hp 17
#str 13
#enc 1
#att 13
#def 13
#prec 13
#mr 17
#mor 19
#gcost 0
#rcost 1
#weapon 997 (The real Turning Sword, holyfire & stuff)
#armor "Shield"
#armor "Copper Scale Cuirass"
#awe +4
#shockres 50
#fireres 50

Essentialy a warrior angels, with some animal-ish features. The unit itself is ready and even has a graphic that I am somewhat content with. But now I need some research level/cost/paths suggestion. Well ok, the paths are going to be Astral, maybe something else, like fire, to prevent from them being too easily massable, but still being a feasible unit.

Angel of Death

Indep. farsummons this guy to attack one province:

#ap 16
#mapmove 3
#hp 50
#prot 7
#size 4
#str 17
#enc 1
#att 14
#def 14
#prec 15
#mr 20
#mor 30
#gcost 0
#recost 1
#weapon 997 (actualy not, I just haven't come up with anything suitable yet)
#awe +4
#shockres 50
#fireres 100
#diseasecloud 12
#fireshield 12

As you can see, the Angel of Death is rather scary. Hmm apparently I forgot to give him Fear, and maybe some holy magic so he can bless himself before he kills everything dead. I was thinking of high endish research level, maybe 7-8 and high-ish cost. Since he's a farsummon you don't get to keep, he's not that insanely powerful. Mostly useful as a sniper spell. Since there's no moddable banefire shield I'm using a combo of disease cloud and fireshield. Yes, the angel will disease himself, but he disappears after battle anyway. Or well, that's the intention. Maybe something Extra. I don't really want the Angel to be too easy to kill or enslave. Horror marks attackers? Something else? I don't know. Maybe he is powerful enough as of now. Oh, I also got a cool angel-wreathed-in-banefire pose graphic ready.

Those two plus the typical angel spells are my ideas as of now.

As for pretenders...

- Virtue!
- The middle eastish Titan pretenders.
- Divine Glyph. Maybe for fun a different version that looks more like hebrew and less like arabic. Yeah, that would be fun.
- Pillar of Flame (and cloud too). It looks like a mix of a huge fire elemental and a huge air elemental. It flies! It has fireshield! Heat aura! It tramples! It's ethereal! OH HEAVENS IT'S ALL POWERF- oh, no item slots. 1F 1A for the magics. Could be nasty in a battle, or then a piece of cake for someone shielded against it's flame strike, lightning swarm & trample, and with a magic weapon, and enough strength, and...well, not so useful in the lategame.
- Huge rock tablet. Astral/Earth variety of the Monolith. They could have the Monolith, yeah, maybe Sphinx too.
- Phoenix. But I think they get it anyway?
- Something, anything else? Maybe some kind of...eee...Angel of Mannah, with sizeable supply bonus, healing and...hmmm. Earth for magic? I don't want them to have a too easy acces to sorcery magics out of Astral, unless they take rainbow pretenders/green dragon/monolith/something along those lines.

Speaking of that, I was considering giving the Kohen a supply bonus (mannah). Thoughts? Anything else? Feedback? Yes? No? What?
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Old January 18th, 2008, 11:07 AM
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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

With regards to the paths required to summon, my general opinion on those is:
1) Weak summon - everyone with the paths of the secondary mage should be able to cast it. In this case, it's S2A1
2) Average summon - takes either a lucky secondary mage, or a "base" primary mage. In this case S3E1 or S3F1 or S3E1F1.
3) Good summon - takes a lucky primary mage (or a base primary mage with path boosters). In this case S3E3/S3E2/S3A3/S3A2/S3F3/S3F2/S3W2.
4) Awesome summon - takes a really lucky primary mage, or a lucky primary mage with path boosters. In this case it's S3 + E3/A3/F3/W2 + E3/A3/F3/W2.

As for pretenders, how about a burning bush? Should be immobile (but can teleport) and quite weak, but high astral and fire and dominion.
Maybe S1F1 with Dominion 4 and 40 newpath. Or maybe S2F2 Dominion 2 newpath 30. Or something in the middle.

EDIT: Also, it's very important that the mod will get one of those pictures that is shown when the mod is active!
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Old January 19th, 2008, 09:33 AM

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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

Agrajag said:
With regards to the paths required to summon, my general opinion on those is:
1) Weak summon - everyone with the paths of the secondary mage should be able to cast it. In this case, it's S2A1
2) Average summon - takes either a lucky secondary mage, or a "base" primary mage. In this case S3E1 or S3F1 or S3E1F1.
3) Good summon - takes a lucky primary mage (or a base primary mage with path boosters). In this case S3E3/S3E2/S3A3/S3A2/S3F3/S3F2/S3W2.
4) Awesome summon - takes a really lucky primary mage, or a lucky primary mage with path boosters. In this case it's S3 + E3/A3/F3/W2 + E3/A3/F3/W2.
I suppose the Kruvim could be the weak summon, though they are not weak per say, just not that much better than your recruitable blessables. Having it being castable by every primary mage but being mage-time intense (only one unit comes at times) is an interesting idea. As for the rest, I have no idea for more summons, AoD excluded, whom I thought be something like S6 so it would take boosting to summon him, and it's not actualy summong him, sice it would be an indep farsummon. I was also thinking of some sort of an angelic archer summon with those Lightning Bows that do damage equal to the wielder's strength, but I'm not sure if there is anything in the myths that would justify such an unit. And an unit that is kind of an...eee...a Kruvim equivalent of a Shophet, with S2 and 2 linked elemental randoms. A flying, angelic commander. Could be very potent.

As for pretenders, how about a burning bush? Should be immobile (but can teleport) and quite weak, but high astral and fire and dominion.
Maybe S1F1 with Dominion 4 and 40 newpath. Or maybe S2F2 Dominion 2 newpath 30. Or something in the middle.
Could be interesting. If it's weak it could justify giving it a smitter of earth or maybe even nature there too.

EDIT: Also, it's very important that the mod will get one of those pictures that is shown when the mod is active!
I agree. I'll to do one for the next release, which will be something along the lines of 0.92. It'll have the graphic fixes and spelling corrections &c. Maybe the generic angel summons although I have no idea what their spell numbers are (for copying them) and I have no idea how to check it.
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Old January 19th, 2008, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: It\'s a miracle!

I was also thinking of some sort of an angelic archer summon with those Lightning Bows that do damage equal to the wielder's strength, but I'm not sure if there is anything in the myths that would justify such an unit. And an unit that is kind of an...eee...a Kruvim equivalent of a Shophet, with S2 and 2 linked elemental randoms. A flying, angelic commander. Could be very potent.
Well, you don't have to stick to the myths strictly, you can "invent" a bit.
If there are Kruvim, then a "Kruv Commander" of some sort makes sense and could be a mage. Maybe you could even have a summoning spell that summons a host/clan/group of Kruvim; A Kruv Commander and several/many Kruvim. And add an archer version of the Kruv while you're at it
I'm pretty sure the old Sar Elad thread had many ideas in regards to angels you could summon.

Could be interesting. If it's weak it could justify giving it a smitter of earth or maybe even nature there too.
I was thinking of balance when I suggested those paths. I thought somewhere along the lines of the Monolith, which has 1S1N Dominion4 Newpath40 and costs 40 points. (I think those stats are with CBM)

EDIT: Here is the old discussion thread with all ideas in it. I haven't reviewed it to see what's relevant, but I'm pretty sure a lot of is good.
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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