Re: Sucker-punching the AI...
While the AI will always be exploitable, I think that dipomacy-wise it should'nt be hard to make it difficult the abuse the AI, by making it "make sense", and when you get things wrong, err on the side of making the AI more strict with his deals.
Should the AI ally with you?
If your army strength is greater than his, yes (but if you are LA Ermor, then no. If you are Jotnheim or Vanheim, make him consider your troops as worth more than just military score)
If your army strength is much greater than his, no, and he should seek other allies to defend against you.
Should the AI trade you X of Y gems for W of Z gems?
If he has many Y gems and a high Y gem income, and only few mages to make use of them, but has few of Z gems and low Z gems income, and many mages that can make us of them, then yes.
In the opposite case, no.
Should the AI trade item X for item Y?
If Y is harder to forge than X, then yes.
Otherwise, no.
The only place where there's some real trouble is with gold, since its harder to assess its value, especially in relation to other things. Forbidding the AI from trading gold would probably fix that, I guess.
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)