Proposed/Failed Program Icon Submittal Thread
You can see some icons for failed projects in WinMBT already.
Icon Nos:
583. CF-105 AVRO Arrow (Canadian)
775. RAH66 Comanche Green
776. RAH66 Comanche Black/Green camo
777. RAH66 Comanche Tan/Green camo
1197. F-16XL Scamp (failed competitor to F-15E)
2756: Sukhoi Su-43 (Forward Swept Wing Prototype)
Now for one of my own.
Landing Vehicle, Assault
Was to be based on the LVTP7 hull with a LCAC-style air cushion, contract was issued in 1975, with intention of IOC between 1980-85.
Was to hit 56 to 112 KMH in the water, 64 to 88 KMH on land.