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Old October 31st, 2003, 07:30 AM
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Default Dominions II In-Game Typos

I thought that typos really don't need to be mentioned in the threads that deal with real bugs, so why not gather them here? If the thread is stickied, it'll be easy for IW to check for updates, and they can fix them if they've got the time or inclination.

I will confess here that I'm something of a grammar nazi in the sense that typos annoy me supremely out of proportion to their actual impact (such as the Dom-PPP typo that causes enemy forces to consist mainly of "commander of Ulms" when it should say "commanders of Ulm").

Of course, other than that, lack of typos gives the impression of a more polished product, so fixing them is a good idea in this sense.

I will also add that none of the typos I've seen (haven't yet actually seen the DomII demo, so Dom-PPP is what I'm basing this on here) are big ones, but mainly small, relatively unimportant ones and perfectly understandable given that English is not the native language of the IW people. Some of them (like my example from Dom-PPP) also result from game mechanics, unless every unit gets programmed with both singular and plural forms with checks for when which is used, which just seems like far too much trouble for absolutely no gain.

Anyway, that's for the thread introduction, now start listing them.


[ March 24, 2004, 04:44: Message edited by: Zen ]
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Old October 31st, 2003, 08:07 AM

geo981010 geo981010 is offline
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Default Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

1) The Diseased affliction description says your troop will "loose" hit points each turn, where it should be "lose"

2) Nature Magic Description says "A Mage of this paths...". Probably should be "A Mage of this path ..." or maybe "A mage of these paths ..."
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Old October 31st, 2003, 08:52 AM

Calanor Calanor is offline
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Default Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

Pythium has access to a hero with the title ehem "hero". While this Hero's actual name seems to be randomly chosen, his desc will begin with "Hierogallus is an old Serpent Lord...". Oops..!
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Old October 31st, 2003, 10:38 AM

HJ HJ is offline
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Default Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

From another thread (sorry St. Patrik for putting them there):
- Demon description should say "spells that target undead" instead of "spells that targets undead".
- When scouting provinces, military report says that "the army is composed mainly of hastatus", while for all other units the plural is used. So, princeps (I think this is wrong in the unit description as well, it's called principe or something) - principes, hastatus - hastati, triarius - triarii.

[ October 31, 2003, 08:38: Message edited by: HJ ]
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Old October 31st, 2003, 04:18 PM
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Default Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

Originally posted by HJ:
From another thread (sorry St. Patrik for putting them there):
- Demon description should say "spells that target undead" instead of "spells that targets undead".
- When scouting provinces, military report says that "the army is composed mainly of hastatus", while for all other units the plural is used. So, princeps (I think this is wrong in the unit description as well, it's called principe or something) - principes, hastatus - hastati, triarius - triarii.
It's all good. It's probably easier for the devs if they're separated out like this.

I'm sure I saw a couple (of typos) - I'll keep my eyes open.
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Old November 1st, 2003, 06:03 AM

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Default Re: Dominions II In-Game Typos

In the description of the spell "Royal power" with C'tissan Desert tombs theme, it says that "the effect is identical to Unholy Power". I'm guessing that the Unholy Power spell is the Ermorian Version of the C'tissan spell Power of the Grave. Since the unholy spells apparently have different names for C'tis and Ermor, the description should be "the effect is identical to Power of the Grave".
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