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Old March 9th, 2022, 05:14 PM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
what it claimed was a conversation between two Russian FSB officers discussing the death and complaining that their secure communications were no longer functioning inside Ukraine.
I think a bit more explanation is needed here.

Christo Grozev on Twitter:

In the phone call in which the FSB officer assigned to the 41st Army reports the death to his boss in Tula, he says they've lost all secure communications. Thus the phone call using a local sim card. Thus the intercept.

The idiots tried to use the Era cryptophones in Kharkiv, after destroying many 3g cell towers and also replacing others with stingrays. Era needs 3g/4g to communicate.

The Russian army is equipped with secure phones that can't work in areas where the Russian army operates.
This explains why no EW war in Ukraine -- the Russians need commercial 3G/4G bandwidth to run the ERA cryptophones.

This may not be as crazy as it sounds. I think ERA was meant to be a secure portable cryptophone for use within "normal" areas -- i.e. Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc by FSB/SVR/Defense Ministry officers.

There may also be a shortage extending from squad level radios (hence use of Chinese Baofeng unencrypted radios) all the way up to field grade satellite cryptophones -- forcing the Russians to use these 3G/4G only capable crypto phones for higher staff HQs, which in turn forced them to dial back the EW war.
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Old March 9th, 2022, 05:34 PM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

Christo Grozev on Twitter:

The Russian army is equipped with secure phones that can't work in areas where the Russian army operates.

I love it...... Hmmmmm thinking of a word that begins with "cluster" ......

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; March 9th, 2022 at 05:47 PM..
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Old March 9th, 2022, 10:03 PM

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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
Christo Grozev on Twitter:

The Russian army is equipped with secure phones that can't work in areas where the Russian army operates.

I love it...... Hmmmmm thinking of a word that begins with "cluster" ......
Seen the US military have commo issues even when they have networks up and running.
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Old March 10th, 2022, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

It's one thing to have com problems.
It's a whole other level of "oops" to knock out all the subsystems you need to make them work though

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old March 11th, 2022, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

Footage of an ambush against a Russian tank/mech column with what appears to be infantry with close range AT weapons:


Google map of the location, street view possible:

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Old March 11th, 2022, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

The problem with these things from the firers POV is the smoke trace that points to exactly where it was fired from.

That may not be true for all types but it certainly was for what was used there

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old March 11th, 2022, 08:32 PM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)


Some trolling from Ukraine:

Head of Anti-corruption agency of Ukraine sent a letter to Russian defense minister Shoigu thanking him for embezzlement of Russian army


Повітрофлотський пр-т, 27, м. Київ, 03049

27, Povitroflots'kyi Ave, 03049, Kyiv, Ukraine

1012, № OA OA I AOA 11 - 21 Ha №


Министру оборони российской федерации

Сергею Кужугетовичу ШОЙГУ


Национальное агентство по предотвращению коррупции (далее - Агентство) поддерживает всех представителей иностранньїх государств, которьте способствуют развитию украинских антикоррупционньїх органов, а также помогают в усиленим демократических институтов в У крайнє.

В связи с отим Агентство вьіражает искреннюю благодарность Министру оборонні российской федерации Сергею Кужугетовичу Шойгу за неоценимьій вклад в то, что российские средства и ресурсьі обеспечения для нападения на Украину бьіли разворованьї еще на зтапе их накопления на границе двух государств.

Участвуя в методической, системной и долговременной работе по хищению бюджетних средств российской федерации, которьіе вьіделялись на развитие воєнного потенциала, Сергей Шойгу вместе с другими должностньїми лицами оборонного сектора способствовал ускорению ликвидации оккупантов на землях суверенного государства Украиньї.

Настойчивое стремление должностньїх лиц Министерства оборони и вооруженньїх сил российской федерации присвоить средства российских налогоплательщиков, которне должньї били пойти на нужди армии, существенно облегчают защиту демократической Украиньї.

Благодаря зтому украинские антикоррупционньїе институции, которьіе работают для обеспечения прозрачности использования публичннх средств, противодействуют коррупции, мошенничеству и зкономической преступности, смогут как можно бистреє возобновить свою деятельность вместо того, чтобьі тратить время на уничтожение оккупантов на своей земле, а также металлолома, привезенного иними на территорию нашего государства.

Примерами зтой безусловно важной деятельности являются множество фактов, которие смогли документально подтвердить военнослужащие и работники украинской разведки.

В частности, искренний восторг вьізьівает защита российских танков Т-72 и Т-80, сделанная из картонних лотков из-под яиц. Без сомнения зти средства защитн военной техники заслуживают того, чтобьі стать отдельньїм фактором оценки в Индексе сильї (Powerindex) при формировании рейтинги сильнейших армий мира Global Firepower.

Также Агентство вьіражает глубокую благодарность за использование для целей передвижения личного состава ЗИЛ-ІЗО, аналогов которому в мире нет. Кроме очевидного комфорта, которьій ощугцают российские военньїе в открьітом кузове при украинских мартовских морозах, скорость передвижения данного транспортного средства, а также яркий аквамариновий цвет кузова, позволяют силам местной территориальной обороньї зффективно проходить тренировочную подготовку по зксплуатации современного вооружения по легким мишеням.

Отдельной благодарности также заслуживает обеспечение российских воєнних продовольственньїми наборами, срок годности которьіх истек еще в 2015 году. Из-за отсутствия продовольствия российские оккупационньїе войска бросают воєнную технику и сдаются местньїм жителям украинских сел для того, чтобьі поесть.

Также восхищение вьізьівают бронежилетьі, изготовленньїе из картона, вместо бронированньїх пластин, которьіе бьіли надетьі на членов зкипажа захваченного российского бронеавтомобиля «Барнаул-Т».

Бронежилетьі сказались настолько крепкими, что бьіли поврежденьї обьічньїм стрелковьім оружием. В связи с зтим вьіражаем отдельную благодарность, ведь теперь бронеавтомобиль несет службу в рядах сил обороньї Украиньї и помогает противостоять агрессору.

Хотим также обратить внимание на то, что на месте бронированньїх пластин бьіла обнаружена памятка «О порядке вьіявления коррупционньїх и других нарушений при вьіявлении конфликта интересов в воєнних подразделениях».

Под впечатлением от такой основательной и детализированной методологической поддержки военнослужащих оккупационньїх войск, зкспертьі Агентства подготовили ряд рекомендаций для дальнейшего включення в соответствующие бюллетени.

Так, согласно с общепринятьім определением конфликт интересов - зто наличие у лица частного интереса в сфере, в которой оно вьшолняет свои служебньїе или представительские полномочия, что может повлиять на обьективность или беспристрастность принятия им решений.

Видим риск в том, что, несмотря на наличие мобильньїх крематориев, привезенньїх на территорию Украиньї командованием генерального штаба вооружснньїх сил российской федерации, частньїй интерес российского военнослужащего сохранить свою жизнь вместо вьшолнения приказов его командования, все еще крайнє вьісок. В связи с зтим предлагаем уменьшить вероятность конфликта интересов, дополнив бюллетени следующей пошаговой инструкцией:

«В случае пересечения границьі с Украиной российский военнослужащий обязан:

- добраться до ближайшего населенного пункта;

- отойти от техники на безопасное расстояние и бросить оружие;

- попросить прощення за пересечение границьі без паспортного контроля;

- подождать украинских воєнних, которие позволят позвонить маме;

- ждать своего возвращения домой.»

Надеемся на плодотворнеє сотрудничество по учету наших рекомендаций.

В приложении к благодарственному письму отправляем фотографии, иллюстрирующие вьішеупомянутьіе достижения. Отправляем письмо сейчас, пока на россии еще єсть иностранная компьютерная техника, которая позволяет просмотреть соответствующие фотографии.


Александр НОВИКОВ


Космічні технології кумулятивного захисту російських танків Т-72 і Т-80 виявилися картонними контейнерами для яєць...

Приложение №2

Приложение №3

2017 г.

ПАМЯТКА подразделениям по профилактике коррупционньїх II ИІІЬІХ

правонарушений (должностньїм лицам, ответственньїм за работу по профилактике коррупционньїх н иньїх правопарушений)

по порядку виявлення копфликта интересов

Приложение № 4
To the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

Sergei Kuzhugetovich SHOIG


The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (hereinafter referred to as the Agency) supports all representatives of foreign countries who promote the development of Ukrainian anti-corruption bodies, as well as assist in strengthening democratic institutions in Ukraine.

In this regard, the Agency expresses its sincere gratitude to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu for his invaluable contribution to the fact that Russia's funds and resources for the attack on Ukraine were stolen even at the stage of their accumulation on the border.

Participating in methodical, systematic and long-term work on embezzlement of the Russian Federation's budget funds, which were allocated for the development of military potential, Sergei Shoigu, along with other defense officials, helped accelerate the elimination of occupiers in the sovereign state of Ukraine.

The persistent desire of officials of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to appropriate the funds of Russian taxpayers, which should be used for the needs of the army, significantly facilitates the defense of a democratic Ukraine.

Thanks to this, Ukrainian anti-corruption institutions, which work to ensure transparency in the use of public funds, combat corruption, fraud and economic crime, will be able to resume their activities as soon as possible instead of spending time destroying the occupiers on their land and metal. the territory of our state.

Examples of this certainly important activity are many facts that could be documented by servicemen and Ukrainian intelligence officers.

In particular, the protection of Russian T-72 and T-80 tanks, made of cardboard trays made of eggs, is a source of sincere delight. Undoubtedly, these means of protection of military equipment deserve to become a separate factor in the evaluation of the Powerindex (Powerindex) in the formation of ratings of the world's strongest armies Global Firepower.

The Agency also expresses its deep gratitude for the use of ZIL-IZO personnel, which has no analogues in the world, for the purposes of movement. In addition to the obvious comfort of the Russian military in the open body during the Ukrainian March frosts, the speed of the vehicle, as well as the bright aquamarine color of the body, allow the local territorial defense forces to effectively undergo training in the use of modern light weapons.

Special thanks are also due to the provision of the Russian military with food kits, the expiration date of which expired in 2015. Due to the lack of food, the Russian occupation forces abandon military equipment and surrender to the locals of Ukrainian villages in order to eat.

Also admiring are the bulletproof vests made of cardboard, instead of armored plates, which were worn on members of the crew of the captured Russian armored car "Barnaul-T".

The bulletproof vests were so strong that they were damaged by ordinary small arms. In this regard, we express special gratitude, because now the armored car is serving in the ranks of the Defense Forces of Ukraine and helps to resist the aggressor.

We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that a memo "On the procedure for detecting corruption and other violations in the detection of conflicts of interest in military units" was found at the site of the armored plates.

Impressed by such thorough and detailed methodological support of the occupying forces, the Agency's experts prepared a number of recommendations for further inclusion in the relevant bulletins.

Thus, according to the generally accepted definition, a conflict of interest is that a person has a private interest in the field in which he or she exercises his or her official or representative powers, which may affect the objectivity or impartiality of his or her decision-making.

We see a risk that, despite the presence of mobile crematoria brought to Ukraine by the command of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the private interest of the Russian serviceman to save his life instead of following his command's orders is still extremely high. In this regard, we propose to reduce the likelihood of conflict of interest by supplementing the bulletins with the following step-by-step instructions:

"In case of crossing the border with Ukraine, a Russian serviceman must:

- get to the nearest settlement;

- move away from the equipment to a safe distance and drop your weapon;

- apologize for crossing the border without passport control;

- wait for the Ukrainian military, who will call my mother;

- wait for your return home. "

We hope for more fruitful cooperation in taking into account our recommendations.

In the appendix to the letter of thanks we send photos illustrating the above-mentioned achievements. We are sending the letter now, while there is still foreign computer equipment in Russia, which allows you to view the relevant photos.


Alexander NOVIKOV


Space technologies of cumulative protection of Russian tanks T-72 and T-80 turned out to be cardboard containers for eggs ...
Basically, in some Russian ERA packages; they have cardboard spacers that look like egg containers that help keep the ERA blocks aligned properly within the package:

It's looking like people never manufacturered the ERA blocks and inserted them; instead doubling up on cardboard spacers and bribing the inspectors to "certify" the armor as passing state inspection standards, and pocketing the money
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Old March 11th, 2022, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

That is from a short video HERE

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; March 12th, 2022 at 09:09 AM..
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Old March 12th, 2022, 09:24 AM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

Note the Blue with Yellow strip paint on at least one Ukrainian BTR

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ID:	16642  

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; March 12th, 2022 at 09:35 AM..
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Old March 12th, 2022, 09:32 AM
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Default Re: Ukraine 2021(?)

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
The problem with these things from the firers POV is the smoke trace that points to exactly where it was fired from.

That may not be true for all types but it certainly was for what was used there
I saw one claim that two types were used, the first firing being blacker smoke which is to have missed and the one with whiter smoke being a Rb 57 as it produces two puffs of smoke (a function which supposedly makes it possible to fire from confined spaces).

Here's a slowed down video with the stills edited out. Looks like one of the tanks returning fire takes a direct front hit from another inf-AT weapon (at about 00:51).


Also saw a claims that the Russian unit was identified as a Battalion Tactical Group of the 6th Tank Regiment (90th Guards Tank Division) which is later to have continued advancing down the road towards the village of SKYBYN and there running into Ukrainian T-64 tanks, been subject to Ukrainian artillery after which the Russians turned around and retreated. Supposedly the defending units were from the UA 72nd Mech Brigade. Russian tanks claimed to be T-72As. The commander of the Russian 6th Tank Regiment is to have been killed.


Seems like a decent scenario right there. Only, the game AI will probably do a better job at fighting than the actual Russian army...
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