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Old June 29th, 2004, 07:11 AM

Colonel Colonel is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

four ideas when u win the game instead of the game ending or u going on with no enemy why not have your empire go into a bigger map and have already made empires and u are connected to this bigger map by one wormhole so then and u can create more wormholes to connect as u can in SEIV

and i was thinking about cloaks, anyways what about makeing a more advanced Version that allows you to attack while cloaked and they can only see you for one combat turn after you attack so long as they dont destroy your cloak and for a little less advanced of a cloak have it so u cant attack while cloaked but can cloak and decloak in battle but they see you for two turns after that and little less advanced three turns after everyone and so on until u get to standard cloaks like in SEIV

the civilian raider idea is good but u would need to limit what types of ships to give them so that u wouldnt have Civilian Dreadnoughts that are undrestroyable that would just be cheap so i would say limit the ship size to 400 to 500 kilo ton so not to make it to powerful but enought o attack thing u dont\cant destroy but arent massive problem(ie enemy\ally colony u dont want where it is) edit: but have just pirates that create there own ships (with no limit\size) but dont have planets so u cant get rid of them and they attack any ship so u would need to defend everything- also have them have big star base ships that are hidden but if u get really advanced u can detect them with really advanced sensors-they have to be extemely powerful to so u would need good ships to beat them

i saw this idea a couple days ago and liked it alot so i think it should be mentioned again different types of wormholes and u need different techs to discover each type and some look like nublea(i know i cant spell) until u discover what it is and others wouldnt even appear as anything until u discover certian tech and others have it so they just have to be flown into to discover what they are

How about the ability to load more than one mod at a time, and in the case of conflicts, pop-up a series of dialogues to resolve them and save the answers to a file for use next time that combination of mods is used?

um if u get the SEIV mod launcher u can load more then one mod to the game u didnt know that its at

[ June 29, 2004, 06:27: Message edited by: Colonel ]

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Old June 29th, 2004, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

There is a VERY large distiction between having multiple mods installed and running multiple mods at once.

You don't need anything to have multiple mods installed for SE4. And any program to merge arbitrary mods in a logical way would be insanely complex, and there is no guarantee a logical merge will result in a playable mod.
Many mods are inherently incompatible because of their basic ideas.


1) NEVER overwrite your stock datafiles.
2) Put modfiles in mod folders
3) Use Path.txt (via notepad or modlaucher) to switch between them.
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Old June 30th, 2004, 12:36 AM

Spectarofdeath Spectarofdeath is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Having different universes is a good idea, like the win the game and it expands, but what about win the game, and your thrown into a alternate dimension where everything is completly different. (basically, your empire is still at least somewhat intact, as is your techs and fleets, but where XX empire is three times as big and strong as it was before, while XYZ empire which was the largest and most powerful has been invaded by ZYX which was the smallest. Just a thought, or maybe it could be added in as a catastophic event.
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Old June 30th, 2004, 10:18 AM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Racial immunity against specific weapons:
Racial traits (modable of course) that make a race completely immune to one or several weapon types. E.g. energy life forms like the Eee would be immune to projectile weapons or certain organic weapons (can acid globules harm energy life forms?). Or mechanic life forms would be immune to allegiance subverter.
In the trait you specify the weapon families that have no effect and then you simply could not target the race with theese weapons.
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Old June 30th, 2004, 08:50 PM

Colonel Colonel is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Originally posted by Q:
Racial immunity against specific weapons:
Racial traits (modable of course) that make a race completely immune to one or several weapon types. E.g. energy life forms like the Eee would be immune to projectile weapons or certain organic weapons (can acid globules harm energy life forms?). Or mechanic life forms would be immune to allegiance subverter.
In the trait you specify the weapon families that have no effect and then you simply could not target the race with theese weapons.
I only see one problem with this is how do the enemies know what each race is immune to what is it in the race report thing

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Old July 1st, 2004, 03:01 AM

Paul1980au Paul1980au is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

Discussing race specific immunity to certain weapons i would prefer a reduced damage impact ie eee (would take 70% less damage in combat from certain energy based weapons)

But what about player created weapons via mods - you would have to have titles that modded to take note of weapon types.

Being a highly moddable game this needs to be considered but yes mechanoid races would be immune from allegience subverter but perhaps a virus equivalent (like computer virus)

As we said it is brainstorming and im sure MM will be creative in what he chooses and may take soem on and not others so keep the ideas coming.
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Old July 1st, 2004, 03:48 AM
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

The racial immunity would probably be doable with the shield/armor layer system, at least from what I've seen from Aaron's Posts at the Yahoo group - just define each race's components as a separate armor layer, and make weapons the race is supposed to be immune to have no effect on that layer
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Old July 1st, 2004, 04:14 AM

Paul1980au Paul1980au is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

That sounds like a good appraoch - racial specific armour would work well in that situation + tolerances % perhaps to certain weapons ie more damage done to their ships by missiles then beam weapons then perhaps other weapons types and make the whole thing moddible.
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Old July 1st, 2004, 05:15 AM

Traskelion Traskelion is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

I like the expanse-after-victory idea. Here are two ideas of my own. Please, please, PLEASE make the game give a confirmation message when clicking to save. I know it annoys most people. But sometimes I mis-click. I have never finished a game because of this! (I've only played AI so far). I made a backup folder, and when I made a mistake, accidently saved over the backup instead. I now have a backup folder, a backup backup folder, and a backup backup backup folder! (Yes, I really am so bad that I need this ). Or if the lack of it is something enjoyed, at least make it a game option.

Also, the idea has been mentioned sometime way ago, but I liked the idea of some warp points being smaller and only allowing ships up to a certain size through. Sounds like a needless pain, but could create some strategic situations.

"They will take the standard route through Sol, a ship that size has no other option"
"But a ship our size has other options"
(Wing Commander IV quote, (I can't get enough of that game)).

P.S. See above, confirmation dialog suggestion)
"The secret to inner happiness? A short attention span!"

"They'll head through the standard Sol route. A ship that size has no other options.
But a ship our size has options."

A-->A* Se+ GdY $? Fr! C--- Css Sf* Ai Au- M+ MpM S-- Ss- RO Pw! Fq- Nd- Rp++ G Mm++ Bb---
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Old July 1st, 2004, 06:15 AM

Colonel Colonel is offline
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Default Re: SE5, Tell Aaron what\'s on your Wish List

i like that smaller wormhole idea but what about wormhole creator things u could make them create small wormholes in the begining and as the componet gets more advanced make bigger and bigger until all ships can go threw

also i think there needs to be a ship that no matter what has one movement but is double perhaps even triple the size of a baseship lol like the size of a moon have it so u can construct certian buildings on it like planetary shields and have actual planet based weapons where u actually build them like any other buildings but the huge

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