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Old October 1st, 2002, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)

Originally posted by Major Tom:
The problem arises is when the 'Shelly Long' syndrome arises. When a successful TV actor then believes that they are great because their show is successful. They then demand extraordinate amounts of money, hoping to break their contract and end up in movies where the big money and fame is. However, most tend to flop, and end up on the latest CSI spinoff.

Meh, I just figure they get bored. Hollywood is always very interested in generating buzz for their movie by hireing TV stars opposite their favorite cinematic standbys.

Maybe some actors, producers, media moguls and other people just like killing TV shows to show how powerful they are.
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Old October 1st, 2002, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)

Originally posted by Captain Kwok:
Originally posted by Crazy_Dog:
For me, the best is B5 because is the one that have a real plot, great acting and consistency.
Great acting is always relative in Sci-Fi TV...
Yes, is great acting reporting to Sci-Fi (not like Hamlet)
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Old October 2nd, 2002, 12:33 AM
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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)

I have the solution!

Get 5 sci-fi shows from writers all across the nation, put them under vigorus Effects test and private paneling, then showcase them in front of a jury and let the viewers choose what they want!

Le's call it Starwars-Wannabe!

... nah. can't do that. Won't make enough money.
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Old October 2nd, 2002, 05:20 PM
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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)


just my opinion but the original outer limits,

who can take any sci-fi seriously where the aliens all talk like american yuppies,

i thought star trek had to be the one of the dummest shows ever.
harlan ellison said they managed to screw up the few episodes he wrote for them.

outer limits was very fresh and original then and still hold up well.
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Old October 4th, 2002, 07:01 PM

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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)


Try the newsgroup


It has a pretty knowledgable and loyal following. You can find out the answers to most or your B% questions.
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Old October 5th, 2002, 03:02 AM
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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)

Just finished watching tonights episode of 'Firefly'. I havn't laughed that much in a loonnng time. Man this is a fun show.

Anyone else liking this show at all (was kinda fuzzy on the second ep I saw but this third one has me really liking the characters).
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Old October 5th, 2002, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)

I like Firefly so far. Some people think it's too much "Western" and not enough "Science Fiction".
Cap'n Q

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Old October 5th, 2002, 10:16 PM

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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)

I'm kinda disturbed bu the huge lack of racial diveristy on the show.... of course, most sci-fi series are that way to avoid pissing off the demographics....
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Old October 6th, 2002, 10:37 PM
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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)

I'm kinda disturbed by the huge lack of racial diveristy on the show
That's the first I've heard that particular criticism; I don't see it. Two regular characters are African-American, and I'm uncertain of the ethnicity of the "companion" character (I'm terrible with names). There were Asians and an Eastern European in the first episode, and I'm told that the language the characters sometimes shift to is some dialect of Chinese.
Cap'n Q

"Good morning, Pooh Bear," said Eeyore gloomily. "If it is a good morning," he said. "Which I doubt," said he.
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Old October 7th, 2002, 03:56 AM
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Default Re: Best Scifi Series ever, canceled! (OT)

Unfortunatley, I still haven't seen an episode of Firefly. I'd like to see it before Major Tom's prediction comes true. I only got to see one episode of The Lone Gunmen, and was disappointed when it was cancelled. Hopefully that will be released on DVD soon. Anyway, Major Tom is right about Friday nights. Even if I am home, rarely is the remote control in my hand, and as I've stated before, my wife isn't a sci-fi fan. So I don't get much opportunity to watch any of these sci-fi shows. The only exception is Enterprise, because my wife knows I'm a Trekkie and I won't be denied my dose of new Trek. I still haven't seen a complete episode of Andromeda, just snippets, so I can't make a judgment there. I finally saw my first episode of Mutant X the other day, and not being a big X-Men reader (don't get me wrong; I loved the movie, but I just don't read too many Marvel comics. I'm a DC fan from way back), I couldn't really get into it since I didn't who these characters were. I'm just glad we do have all of these choices, because for those to young to remember the 70's and 80's, we didn't have much of a selection to watch sci-fi or fantasy. And if a show did exist, it usually didn't Last too long. There were exceptions, like the Six Million Dollar Man, which Lasted 5 or 6 seasons. And the Incredible Hulk, which Lasted almost as long. But most shows, like V, Battlestar Galactica, etc., just didn't Last too long. At least networks are now willing to gamble and create a sci-fi series. Hell, you don't know how long I wished for a channel like the Sci-fi channel. It's still a disappointment, because it looks like suits are running the show and there are a heck of lot of shows that could be on there that are not. And I just wish they would get rid of Crossing Over. That is not even in the neighborhood of science fiction, yet it's on and wasting the time slot that could have a Star Trek episode, or a (original) Twilight Zone episode or some other real sci-fi show.
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