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Old March 18th, 2009, 01:25 PM

llamabeast llamabeast is offline
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 0.80

Yep yep, that's definitely good, we just didn't understand why you'd want to split the updated mod into two:

I might do two versions, first with the new holy sites and units in that uses existing sprites, then an update that only changes sprites.
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Old March 18th, 2009, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 0.80

I just meant something like version 1.00a. I've made the new sites and the new units, but I'd rather release the mod than make six new sprites. If I add custom sprites later, I'll just make the units refer to new sprites. It won't break compatibility between 1.00a and 1.00b, because custom sprites don't affect hosting. So, those who care get better sprites, don't who care see copied sprites, and they can play against each other just fine.

Speaking of release, check the first post.
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Old March 18th, 2009, 04:01 PM

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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 1.00

Ahhh, I see. 1.00b will be standalone. I thought you meant it would be a mini-mod just to change some sprites, which didn't sound good.

New version! Great, I'm looking forward to it. Unfortunately this evening's dom3 time is going to be trying to repair games that have been killed by the hosting issue with the new patch.
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Old June 14th, 2009, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 1.00

Null post: I reported an error with an older version of the mod, then found it was fixed in the new version.
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Last edited by Gregstrom; June 14th, 2009 at 05:44 PM..
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Old September 30th, 2009, 09:43 AM
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 1.00

Minor issue: a couple of the sites that are supposed to increase scales do not because the numeric values are instead represented by the name of the scales. The sites are:

#newsite 891
#name "Sarmizegetusa"
#path 7
#level 2
#rarity 1
#loc 16388
#com 3088
#gems 7 1
#incscale (turmoil) -->should be 0

#newsite 888
#name "Rainbow Cove"
#path 4
#rarity 1
#com 3090
#loc 135
#level 1
#gems 4 1
#incscale (luck) -->should be #decscale 4
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Old December 3rd, 2009, 03:59 PM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 1.00

Question: When adding sites with recruitables that are usually summoned via spells, did you give the existing creature a gp cost, or did you copy the creature and give the new version a gp cost?

Sea Serpents, Krakens, Bog Beasts, etc... having an upkeep when summoned would be a rather major change.
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Old December 3rd, 2009, 04:06 PM
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 1.00

IIRC they're mostly copies.
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Old January 26th, 2010, 07:51 AM
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 1.00

In addition to the issues Stavis L pointed out (which still exist as of December when I DLed the mod), I found the following errors, likely errors, and seemingly non-sensical locmasks:

-Garden of Crystal Fruit (#914) has rarity 17119! (Clearly 17119 is a locmask, but site has a valid locmask)
-Ruins of Kusasthali (#872) has a rarity of 256. (same issue)
-There are two Laccadive sites (#871 and #869), recommend renaming.
-Dylath-leen has gem income listed as 8 1. There is no holy gem, so... presumably 4 1 (1 astral).
-sites 891 and 888 need scale commands fixed (see Stavis L's post above)
-sites 927 and 933-936 have the locmask 16654. This means (unique) in forest, mountains, waste, and deep sea. This is clearly in error. Likely supposed to be 17119 (any land) or 16607 (any non-cave land), although 16388 (mountain) would make sense for #935.
-Deviant Laboratory (#894) has level 5, which is not in the permitted range (0-4).
-One of the Laccadives (#871) is listed as a blood site with a sea location mask. Given you can't use blood magic underwater, this is inappropriate.

Likely Errors:
-Nameless Rock (#853) has 1 fire income and 25 gold income, but its clearly an astral site related to otherworldly creatures. Listed gem and gold income makes no sense.
-Decayed Palace (#940) has 1 air income. Presumably this should be 1 death?
-The ridiculous proliferation of H underwater sites is just silly.
-There are an awful lot of X4 sites, which mostly means that said sites will often not be found, even if they do occur. The existence of uncommon X4 sites is especially silly. Recommend re-assessing level for X4 sites, especially as similar sites are often available at X2 in the regular game.

Inappropriate site-masks:
-Rainbow Cove (#888) not forced to be coastal. Given a cove is a coastal feature...
-Equinoctial Dial (#944) and Sundial (#943) have site mask 735 (any land). Should be 223 (any non-cave land) because you can only use them *outside*.
-Similarly, Persistent Aurora (#950) and Wailing Aurora (#929) have site mask 735. As the Aurora is a sky phenomena, these should also be site mask 223.
-A number of tree sites (#987, #983, #982, #977) are listed as site mask 735. Again, access to the sky is kind of important here, and these should be mask 223.
-Field of Blackened Stones (#991) has mask 512 (cave). Since a cave would certainly not contain anything describable as a field, this is almost certainly wrong. Presumably should be 223.
-Tears of the Moon (#963) has mask 735 and given the moon is an astronomical phenomena, its tears should probably be found in non-cave lands (mask 223).
-Isle of the Sarandib (#874) is listed as deep sea, which is really strange considering its an island. Recommend it be made 16672 (any ocean). Similarly, Barren Island (#860).

Over-specific or otherwise strange site-masks:
-Ancient Glacier (#962) currently has mask 12 (waste, mountain). Waste is a really weird spot for a glacier - recommend mask 4 (mountain).
-Garden of Crystal Apples (#986) is listed as mask 512 (cave). Should probably be either 223 or 735. Note that the separate and similar Garden of Crystal Fruit is listed as 735.
-Highland Refuge (#931) is listed as 735 (any land), should probably be 223 (non-cave land) or even more specific. (No highlands in caves).
-Academy of Dark Fire (#913) is listed as mask 8 (waste), but there's really no reason it shouldn't be 735. Similarly, Deviant lab (#894) is listed as 223 (any land), but there's no reason it couldn't occur in a cave (and thus be 735).
-A couple of tree sites (#981, #979) are restricted to forest, which is a weird contrast with the other tree sites whose masks were too general. Recommend making them mask 223 to match the other trees. Similarly, some other sites (#930, #851) are restricted to forests for no apparent reason. Recommend 223 for these as well.
-Many ocean sites are inappropriately restricted to sea instead of being permitted to both sea and deep sea. Ones that I noticed: sulfur vent, temple of the fish, dead zone, The Source of All Waters, Quicksilver Pond (arguably this one should be any terrain, land or sea), and fars deep.
-Forest in the Clouds (#920) has a really strange mask (23, mountain + forest + farm + plains). Not sure why it has that site mask other than to be weird.
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Old January 26th, 2010, 08:04 AM
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 1.00

Endo has been away for a long while. Not sure if he's ever coming back to do a update.
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Old January 26th, 2010, 08:54 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Magic Site Mod version 1.00

I suggest just doing your own updated version of the mod.
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