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Old December 15th, 2005, 03:50 AM

Ironhawk Ironhawk is offline
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Ironhawk is on a distinguished road
Default MP Game - Artifact Game - running 48hr qh

For centuries the wars of the Old Gods raged across the face of the earth. Back and forth did they war with each other until, eventually, the few that survived the bloodshed attained an uneasy peace. But over time they grew restless and weary of this troubled world. Almost as one, they left it for other planes to seek power, or make war, or for thier own mysterious reasons.

Abandoned, thier people fell into chaos, bickering with each other. Once mighty nations splintered into dozens of independent provinces, each more suspicious and fragmented than the next. Until finally a new power emerged: the Pretenders. Strongest of the servants of the Old Ones, the Pretenders have taken up the great tools and weapons of thier departed patrons and now prepare to forge the world anew with thier own vision. But only one can be victorious and truly Ascend...

The Arifact Game
In this game each nation will begin the game in the possestion of several artifacts as specified by

The Artifact List

which will be achieved through a modified .map file when the map and nation selections have been finalized. Artifacts will appear at game start in your capital province in the hands of a unit *specially designed* to drop cursed items - do not concern yourself with that.

Artifact Shahrivar (revised)

Port: 2001

Conceptual Balance 5.1
Artficat Mod 1
download both mods here

Starting Provs: 1
Indies Strength: 9
Site Frequency: 70
World Richness: normal
Random Events: common
Score Graphs: enabled
Hall of Fame: 15
Research: Hard (downgraded from V. Hard)
Victory: 2/3 of provinces

House Rules
1) All pretenders were once human servants of the Old Ones and therefore must be mortal humans (tho they can be mounted).

2) No population killing dominion themes. This prohibts Ermor AE/SG and Pan CW

Players (15/17)
Abysia: Truper
Pythium: Shovah
Man: Wish for Blood Slaves
Ulm: Archaeolept
C'tis: Ironhawk
Arco: Dimaz
Caelum: Boron
Ermor: Cainehill
Marignon: Huntsman
Pangea: Quantum Mechani
Vanhiem: Rathar
Jotunhiem: Morkilus
Mictlan: izaqyos
Tien Chi: Folket
Machaka: Reverend Zombie
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