Wrong picture, current one is that of a ML-20, it should be changed to n. 11566
Sorry, I got it mixed: n.11566 is a D-20, n.36139 should be a D-1
Unit 534 M-60P APC from OOB 41 (Yugoslavia) t should be added as class 32 scout vehicle. Availability dates 1/1985-4/2003.
It could be armed with weapons 52 and 61 (better not to waste increasingly scarce weapons slots on BMGs).
According to “The Iraqi Army: Organization and Tactics” They were used as scouts vehicles. There are also pictures of them in Iraq. Here is one I found on the web some time ago.
Also a couple of notes about national ratings
Base experience drops from 60 to 55 at the beginning of 1990. IMHO that should happen after Desert Storm, as the sanctions took their toll restricting the availability of spare parts and others resources necessary for training. Also many experienced leaders left the army in the early 90’s.
I think that the experience drop should take place in 1992 or 1993 and be reversed back to 60 in 2009 or so, as the new iraqi army stabilizes and continues training along western methods.