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Old October 15th, 2002, 05:17 PM

Rexxx Rexxx is offline
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Default Re: Advanced IA race moddings tricks (long)

Hi Oleg,
I encountered the same problem with satellites. I created two designs of small sats, one with DUCs named Sat (SR), one with CSM named Sat (LR).
I called for their names in the construction_vehicles file, both with "must have at least = 10). The Ai everytime builds only the number of the first entry. I tried it with attacks ships, with everything, to no avail. I always ended up one with only one of the designs.

I'm quite sure that you're right: the must-have numbers (still) refer to the design type. The AI builds the number of the first entry of a certain design type and only if the second entry for this design type calls for a higher number of Must Have, the AI will build the rest of it. It does not consider names. Just like the numbers in the construction_facilities-file.

[ October 15, 2002, 16:24: Message edited by: Rexxx ]
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Old October 15th, 2002, 05:20 PM

Atraikius Atraikius is offline
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Default Re: Advanced IA race moddings tricks (long)

OK, I see the problem now - we are looking at different 'Must Have' lines. By Must Have, I was reffering to:

Num Must Have At Least 1 Ability := 1
Must Have Ability 1 := Launch/Recover Fighters

Not the must have from the ConstructVehicle file. I'm still unsure on some of the ways the ConstructVehicle file works, but I believe that you are right about the Must Have at Least := xxxx line interpreted as must have that number of ships of the Design Type.
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Old October 15th, 2002, 05:58 PM
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Default Re: Advanced IA race moddings tricks (long)

Good, I knew it was some simple misunderstanding between us

Thanks, Rexxx, so it works the same way with units. It makes editing the construction file rather complicated and cryptic but it should be possible to make AI build correct numbers by keeping track how many are listed. I suspect "entry per planet" works the same way but could not verify it so far.
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Old October 15th, 2002, 07:23 PM

Atraikius Atraikius is offline
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Default Re: Advanced IA race moddings tricks (long)

Thanks for bringing up the point on the Must have at least := xxxx in the ConstructVehicle file - soon as I saw your post on it I reallized that has been the problem I've been pulling my hair out over in almost all of my AI's (why special designs haven't been being built in one, why one wasn't building enough carriers, and why I haven't been able to get the #@$&*% Krill and Orks to spend more than 55% - 60% of thier resources in maintenance). Thanks again - your post pointed out what I have been overlooking.

I'm at work so I can't check now, but try looking at how carriers are designed again. I'm sure that the Majority Ability is what is being used to determine that a carrier is to be used, and that whenever one of the specific hull types (Carrier, Transport, Colony) are used, the minimum requirements are filled automatically. I intend to check once I'm home, but try usind 4 carrier designs, one with Launch/Recover Fighters as the Must Have Ability, and the Majority spaces per one set at 10000, with no shields and only Supply as an Additional Ability with spaces per one set at 10; the second with Launch/Recover Fighters as the Must Have Ability, and the Majority spaces set at 0; with the third and fouth the same as the first two except having Cargo Storage as the Must Have Ability (have to have fighter bays available or the AI will just design a ship with the one cargo bay and fill the rest with supply) . I'm sure that all four will use carrier hulls, and that the two with Majority spaces set to 10000 will have one more fighter bay than the ones with Majority spaces set to 0; but I'm not sure if the Must have fighter bay will be counted towards the 50%, or will be in addition to it (I know for sure that it is in addition when dealling with weapons - but I there were some oddities with it when dealing with components with cargo storage abilities - like listing 3 Lay Mines Must Have Abilities with Cargo Storage as the Majority Ability and having the AI design a small transport with two mine layers and eight cargo bays), if it is in addition, then the two with Launch/Recover Fighters as a Must Have Ability will have one more fighter bay than the corresponding design with Cargo Storage.
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