Both winSPWW2 and winSPMBT are designed to run in both windowed and fullscreen mode.......HOWEVER...... not all windows based computer hardware/ software combinations can run fullscreen mode correctly but all windows based computer hardware/ software combinations CAN run windowed mode and windowed mode is the RECOMMENDED METHOD OF RUNNING EITHER GAME. If you CAN run the game in fullscreen mode with your computer hardware / software combinations, congratulations. If you CANNOT run the game in fullscreen mode but CAN run it in windowed mode then The Camo Workshop and Shrapnel games considers either game to be running and functional
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If you really feel seeing a windows taskbar is a detriment to your gaming experience our suggestion as stated in the game guide under Game Requirements is to use "Borderless Gaming" which has many of the benefits of windowed and fullscreen mode combined. The latest version of this program can be found HERE
"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?