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Old August 20th, 2002, 01:30 AM

evader evader is offline
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Default Re: Does SEIV Need Income?

I Personaly would like to see some sort of income.
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Old August 20th, 2002, 01:49 AM
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Default Re: Does SEIV Need Income?

Originally posted by Lemmy:
hmm,......and with the cash you could buy hightech ships from independent merchants.
This would make a good "Event" if it could be worked in
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Old August 20th, 2002, 12:56 PM

Gryphin Gryphin is offline
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Default Re: Does SEIV Need Income?

Granted you can't use a "Trade Federation" till you meet one and of course there has to be one in the game, that might take care of some of the Resourse exchanges and purchase of "High Tech Ships"
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Old August 20th, 2002, 02:01 PM
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Default Re: Does SEIV Need Income?

Definitely NOT. The three resources we have now (+ population, +supply) are fine. They are an abstraction of wealth and economy, and money would only be a different and less interesting way of representing the same thing. Things I *would* like in this area:

-population "eats" resources. Actually I'm not sure abouth is one. If it meant actually moving stuff from place to place to prevent local famines, then maybe, yeah. Unfortunately the way SEIV is set up (all resources instantly available to entire empire) it would be more likely to be implemented as a simple "maintenence cost" for population, which would suck.

-Certain population levels required to operate facilities. This was originally planned for the game but was taken out before release. This really would turn population into another resource.

-A "limited resupply depot" option. Probably in the form of supply storage and limited supply generation abilities for facilities (just like we have for components). Then you could mod out the existing "infinite resupply depot" and turn supply into a true fourth resource without all the elaborate mucking about S_J has had to do in his mod.

-Trade routes/ resource distribution (ie the "invisible" ships which instantly move your minerals, rads and orgs from the colonies to the corners of your empire.) This has been long argued, and the wrong implementation could really ruin the game. I believe it could be done well though, probably through some highly abstracted system which keeps civilian transports invisible, but works out for each system how much infrastructure traffic flows through it and then measures each empire's level of influence in each system. This would be a cool motivator for taking treaties, since your "invisible" ships would benefit from allied protection=-) Don't expect to see this in a patch anytime soon though=-(
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Old August 20th, 2002, 04:00 PM

CW CW is offline
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Default Re: Does SEIV Need Income?

Before adding any more micro-management to the game, please remember how you are going to manage your empire - time is a very precious resource in real life!!

I've been repeating this over and over again but MM has so far ignored me. The game really needs the ability to save in simultaneous games!

The other nice thing to have is the ability to "split" your empire (in terms of the game's mechanics!) so you can get a partner to run part of it, say all the transports and construction queues, while you have your fun flying your dreadnoughts all over the galaxy.
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Old August 20th, 2002, 04:12 PM

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Default Re: Does SEIV Need Income?

I gave it a little thought, and I realised that if I can save in simultaneous games then I can do the splitting myself! (Just send the savegame to your partner, he does his part and hit "end turn")


[ August 20, 2002, 15:14: Message edited by: CW ]
A propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane designed to keep the pilot cool. Want prove? Stop the prop and watch the pilot break out in a heavy sweat!
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Old August 20th, 2002, 04:44 PM
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Default Re: Does SEIV Need Income?

Originally posted by dogscoff:
-Trade routes/ resource distribution (ie the "invisible" ships which instantly move your minerals, rads and orgs from the colonies to the corners of your empire.) This has been long argued, and the wrong implementation could really ruin the game. I believe it could be done well though, probably through some highly abstracted system which keeps civilian transports invisible, but works out for each system how much infrastructure traffic flows through it and then measures each empire's level of influence in each system. This would be a cool motivator for taking treaties, since your "invisible" ships would benefit from allied protection=-) Don't expect to see this in a patch anytime soon though=-(
Maybe something similar to Civilization - the farther a planet is from the nearest homeworld, the less resources it provides to the empire's coffers. For instance, a colony 1 system away "loses" 5-10% of it's production in transport. We'd probably have to have different factors for different types of systems. For instance, if the new colony is separated from the nearest homeworld by an empty system (asteroid, new star, nebula/storm), there'd be an extra 10% penalty to production; if separated by another colonized system, the penalty would only be 5%; a black hole system would create a 15% penalty to production (hazardous shipping lane), etc. We could even mod in different penalties for new systems
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