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Old July 6th, 2015, 07:56 PM

iln82 iln82 is offline
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Default Various Icon Disrepancies

Although there is a dedicated icon for the AT missile carrying UAZ-469 (2409), the Russian OOB uses for the various AT carriers the icon of the AT missile carrying US Jeep.

Also in most of the OOBs that have both the GAZ-69 & the UAZ-469 the icon of the first (2958) is used for both rather than the correct UAZ ones (2969-soft top, 2967-2968 hard top, 2965-2966 open top).

OK that's a minor point but why not have the correct icons since they're already in the game...

Also in the RED OOB, units 403,404 Hind Es have the icon of the Mi-24A (052) rather than 3485 and are armed with a 30mm GSh-30K!!! The same error is repeated in the Bulgarian OOB with unit 129.

The correct weapon is of course the 12.7 mm (4)YakB.

Last edited by iln82; July 6th, 2015 at 08:31 PM.. Reason: More disrepancies added
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Old July 7th, 2015, 12:55 PM

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Fallout Re: UAZ-469 Icon Disrepancies

Concerning the Mi-24V type (NATO code HIND-E) hopefully this will clear up the weapons issue. The first is from the Czech MOD which still flies the HIND A/D/E versions. The Czech Republic was to upgrade the HIND-E to NATO standards but this was abandoned. Anyway here's the refs...

From ref. A, the confusion in weapons might've stemmed from the weapons pod options available to the HIND-E as pictured below. But concerning the turret...
"Under the helicopter nose, there is a revolving turret with a four-barrel rotating 9A624 machine gune of 12.7 mm calibre with a supply of 1,470 cartridges."
Click image for larger version

Name:	hind e weapons pod.jpg
Views:	119
Size:	53.7 KB
ID:	13851

From WEAPONS section of ref. B
"The helicopter has six suspension weapon units on the wingtips. The Mi24D (Mi-52) and the Mi-24V (Mi-35) are equipped with a YakB four-barrelled, 12.7mm, built-in, flexibly mounted machine gun, which has a firing rate of 4,000-4,500 rounds a minute and a muzzle velocity of 860m/s."

New computer online I can't even hear the darn thing. Game program file(s) transfer from XP to Flash Drive to new PC went smooth and games appears to be playing properly. Not as bad as I thought it would be to transfer my data. Thanks to those that offered help and encouragement. After that "push" I think I'll get my free upgrade to Win 10 on 29 July. I'll see if anything "funny" happens with the game and get back.

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Old July 7th, 2015, 09:24 PM
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Default Re: Various Icon Disrepancies

Originally Posted by iln82 View Post
OK that's a minor point but why not have the correct icons since they're already in the game...

Oh I dunno...........maybe it's because there are 36,316 units in the winSPMBT OOB's and 12,436 in the winSPWW2 OOB's so with 48,752 units to keep track of sometimes tiny things like this slip through the cracks.

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