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Old February 17th, 2014, 06:15 AM

Pibwl Pibwl is offline
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Default Italian and French - LAST ONE

This is my last post this season - simple picture mistakes, easy to fix if you can spare an hour, instead of waiting another year... (it took me much longer to assemble them ) If not, skip them. But it's worth to correct at least bold ones.


10 AMR-35 ZT2 - picture is in fact well-known photo of ordinary 13mm-MG version (originally color). I'm attaching ZT2 proposal with 25mm gun.
Same for unit 190

26 47mm AT-Gun - picture 28019 is very different Belgian FRC - correct is eg. 203, 28030
Same for Vichy 26

479, 480, 485 25mmSA34 ATG - picture 30200 is in fact newer (and flimsier) SA 37, correct is 28026 or 244.
Same for German 808 2.5cm PaK 112f (for 809 PaK 113f a current one is correct)
Same for Polish 401 25mm AT-Gun, British 750 25mm SA34 ATG, Italian 330,640 and Vichy 480,485

49, 70, 72, 73 M4A2 - picture is M4A1. Proper hull variants, and with French markings, are drawings 27720 and 27721 (I'm not sure if they are M4, M4A2 or M4A3, but hull shape is more proper, than current one).
Same for 300 M4, 302 M4A3, 304 M4A3

(71, 160 M4A3 (76) - picture is M4A1, could be changed according to US oob)

78 M4A4 - picture is M4A1. Proper M4A4 with French markings are 27731, 27732 (drawings).

328 FT-17 BS - picture is ordinary FT - should be 32016.
Same for Vichy 328

370 Dewoitine D.520 - picture has Italian markings. I'm attaching a proposal.
Same for Vichy 142

391 Laffly 50 AM - picture is newer Laffly 80. Proper one is 30279 (used for 407 White AM, but White rather had spoked wheels - here are photos of White http://www.chars-francais.net/new/in...=685&Itemid=36 (at the bottom) and of Laffly http://www.chars-francais.net/new/in...k=view&id=1361
Laffly 50 was created by putting White hulls onto new chassis
I'm attaching a proposal for White, in early camo.

(by the way, 407 White AM should be armed with 234 37mm gun instead of 13.2 TMG, just like Laffly 50, and they both should have crew 4. Speed of White was only 45 km/h - now it's faster, than Laffly 50 on newer chassis)

(430 AMC-34 YR - picture is AMC-35 - photos of AMC-34 YR are here http://www.chars-francais.net/new/in...d=71&Itemid=36 http://www.atf40.fr/ATF40/materiel/renault%20amc34.jpg )


29 Obice da 75L32 - for a modern Cannone da 75/32 a proper picture is 00127 (now it's short 75/18 howitzer)

32 CV-33/20 - picture should be 16064 (20mm gun)

49 Bat Obici 75mm - for 75/25 guns, a proper picture is 36901 (like unit 30) - now it's 75/18 howitzer

58 SPA 65L17 - picture is 100 mm howitzer on a 3RO truck (correct for unit 527). I'm attaching a proposal for Autocannone 65/17
(btw: they were usualy used on captured Morris CS8 chassis, not SPA [from Squadron Signal 2044 Italian Truck-Mounted Artillery])

70 Lancia 3RO - picture is some cab-over-engine SP1 (postwar?) truck. I'm attaching proposals for 3RO (very typical Italian vehicle).

(187 Re.2000b Falco - better picture for this plane is 16041. I'm not sure what is 16141 at all)

206,207 Ca.310 Libeccio - picture 16138 has Norwegian markings. Seems unused by Norway, so it can be replaced. I'm attaching a proposal, and also a proposal of more typical and more bomber-oriented variant Ca.314.
Same for RSI 211,212

(321 Cannone 65mm - picture should be 16169, as unit 320. Same for units 593,635)

331 C/C 37L45 - picture 99 is Soviet 45 mm, should be 0048.
(btw: it's the same, as unit 16, and their ranges are partially covered)

339 Maroszek FCC - picture is PTRD, should be 23510.

BTW: weapon's stats (acc.16, warhead 2, range 14) are different, than the same Polish weapon #135 7.92 kb.Ur wz35 (acc. 12, warhead 1, range 10) and German #139 PzB 770(p) (acc. 18, warhead 1, range 9).
Polish one has too low accuracy - all other ATRs in the game have 14 or more. I believe 18 is correct, since it had a very long barrel and great velocity. German PzB 39 ATR of the same caliber and with shorter barrel has accuracy 16 (range 13), while PzB M.SS.41 - 18 (range 14) (while the latter one had in fact the shortest barrel of the three).
BTW2: weapon's name suggests Czech weapon; it was officially known as Fucile controcarro Mod. 35(P) - http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maroszek_wz._35

340,342 Motosilurante - photo 16094 is WW1 MAS - I'm attaching more proper one.
BTW: it's also used by USSR and Rep.Spain, where it should be replaced with Soviet G-5 (attached before).

343 Sz Fiat 6.5mm - picture is(was?) Breda MG (I've attached a proper one in Nationalist Spain thread)

400 Fiat 508B OA - picture is a civilian spider, proper one for early 508 militare is 30252

(401 Fiat 508C OA - I'm attaching more typical alternative Fiat 508C Militare, with newer body - http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_508CM )
(BTW: according to Wiki, it entered service in 1938 - now 35)

411 Alfa Romeo 2500 - I'm attaching a true picture (http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfa_Ro...2500_Coloniale )
Same for 648

412 Fiat 1100 - I'm attaching a true picture (seems, that it should be Fiat 508CM Camioncino, which was a pickup military version of 1100 - http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_508CM )

421, 476, 649 AS-37 - photo 16058 shows gun-armed tank destroyer variant. I'm attaching a truck proposal (http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat-SPA_AS37 )

475 Autocannon 20mm - I'm attaching a typical Autocannon 20 mm. A current photo looks rather like Solothurn ATR on a truck's roof(?)
Same for 487 SPA 35 AS-20

477 Autocannon 47mm - correct photo with 47mm gun is 16058 (used currently for unit 421)
Same for 485 SPA 35 AS-47

489 Autoblinda 40 - photo is AB 41. Correct is 126

512 L 6 Munizioni - I'm attaching a true photo.

513, 532 Fiat 3000 L5/21 - picture is FT. Correct one with MGs is 29853

652 Fiat 1100 CA - I'm attaching a photo for a variant with AAMGs

665 T-34/76B - photo 13194 is German T-34/76C. I'm attaching Italian T-34/76 M.42

749 SM75 Marsupiale - photo is SM79, correct is 20052

770,771,773 MG.42 MG - picture is Breda.

I've also attached Bianchi AC - for possible future use.
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Old March 15th, 2014, 07:33 AM

Pibwl Pibwl is offline
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Default Re: Italian and French - LAST ONE

I couldn't help posting this interesting French barge carrier (unfortunately, dark).
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