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Old July 9th, 2013, 01:25 PM
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BigDuke66 BigDuke66 is offline
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Default Re: Brandenburger without Country ID

There is nothing "wrong" with the game and it has nothing to do with "learning the game" when someone sees a version of a unit that differs from other versions, it's obvious that something here doesn't fit and has slipped in the process of working on the OOB.
You say it there yourself "After a couple hours digging up info and emails exchanged on two continents" would not have been necessary if the version with the thick armor would have had the info why the front armor is so thick(and so much thicker than one would expect looking at the real life armor values) on them.
The Tiger is the best example why such info should be collect, as I saw the change you mentioned there I checked my own sources to follow why the armor is made so thick, not an easy process but in the end it was perfectly understandable and as you said "only took a couple of hours" for one value on one unit.
Now imaging that you wouldn't have change the others up but the 16er down to 12 like the others...
And keeping track of changes doesn't mean any change back since 1699 so we get a humongous changelog but any change that lead to the currently used values, like 16 on the front armor of a Tiger because of the mantle overlapping with the other front armor.
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