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Old April 15th, 2013, 08:14 AM
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Default V7.0 Update - USMC OOB

You asked for what a Jarhead thought of the v7.0 USMC OOB.

While no doubt some of this is trivial, and other portions may well be game game mechanics/standardization issues, here's an example of the sorts of things this Jarhead found.


WinSPMBT v7.0 Formation #007 Heavy Rifle Co (1/75-12/89)

1x Unit Class #110 Marines
1x Formation #089 HQ Supt Team (1/46-12/20)
-- 1x Unit Class #241 Marine Scout
-- 1x Unit Class #241 Marine Scout
-- 1x Unit Class #242 Marine Sniper
-- 1x Unit Class #242 Marine Sniper
3x Formation #093 Rifle Platoon (1/75-12/92)
-- 1x Unit Class #110 Marines
-- 1x Unit Class #110 Marines
-- 1x Unit Class #110 Marines
-- 1x Unit Class #254 Machinegun Team
-- 1x Unit Class #244 Marine Infantry AT
-- 1x Unit Class #244 Marine Infantry AT
-- 1x Unit Class #206 Inf-ATGM Team
1x Unit Class #177 Heavy MG Section
1x Unit Class #177 Heavy MG Section
1x Unit Class #195 Engineer Support Squad


I'm assuming (and we all know what assuming gets you) this is ment to represent a standard USMC Rifle Company augmented by it's parent battalions HMG platoon and the divisional engineer battalion.

As a standard 1975-1989 Rifle Company it is missing:
1x Dragon ATGM (each rifle company has an inherent section of 4x Dragon teams between 1975 and 1998)
1x MPAD (the 72 MPAD teams in each USMC Air Wing are allocated 1 per rifle company plus 2-4 per battalion)
1x Art Observer (rifle companies don't sometimes or frequently have an FO Team, they always have one)
1x 60mm Mortar Section (each rifle company has an inherent section of 3x 60mm mortars since 1944)

Each infantry battalion has an HMG platoon of 4 HMG and 2 AGL teams, so normally each rifle company has a 1 or 2 available.
The USMC isn't very big on HMGs because they're not particularly man-portable. That's not to say there aren't plenty around, they mount them on almost any vehicle sturdy enough to handle one. Units that need positional defense or are motorized always have them; each artillery battery has a couple, the division MP Company has 24 HMGs plus 8 AGLs. So unless a rifle company is operating in non-road accessible terrain or independently there are usually a couple around aside from those allocated from it's parent battalion.

Each infantry battalion has an anti-armor platoon of 12 TOWs (normally vehicle mounted) so each rifle company normally has 2 to 4 allocated.

The division engineer battalion usually allocates 1 engineer squad per rifle company (2x Engr Teams, 2-4x M202 Flash Teams). That isn't very many, but they're specialists with fun exotic toys! Past experience blowing/burning out the opposition during WW II and again in Vietnam means every rifleman is trained in demolition and assault weapons (like the M202) and such things as issued as needed.

I mention all this because this "Heavy Rifle Co" isn't terribly.

Going thru the units themselves in the OOB we see:

UC #110 Marines

Unit #363 Marine Squad (1/75-12/89) M16 Rifle/M60 LMG/M203 GL/M72 LAW (Vision 5)
Unit #373 Marine Squad (1/75-12/89) M16 Rifle/M60 LMG/M203 GL/M203 GL (Vision 5)
Unit #708 Marine Squad (1/75-12/89) M16 Rifle/M60 LMG/M203 GL/Sniper Rifle (Vision 5)
Unit #718 Marine Squad (1/75-12/89) M16 Rifle/M60 LMG/Sniper Rifle/M230 GL (Vision 5)
Unit #763 Marine Squad (1/75-12/89) M16 Rifle/M60 LMG/M60 LMG/M60 LMG (Vision 5)

Unlike the US Army (and many other armed forces) the USMC never used M60's as LMGs, except in rare instances. The unit OOBs above give the company 9 to 27 more M60s then it even has. Until 1986 each rifle squad has 13x M16s, 2x M203s; M72s, Hand Grenades, and marksman (sniper) rifles as needed. In 1986 they swapped 3x M16s for 3x M249s and started using M136/AT4s in place of M72 LAAWs, also night vision gear was both upgraded and much more common.
The following unit OOBs are more typical of the time period.

USMC Rifle Sqd (1/72-12/85) M16 Rifle/3xM16 AR/M72 LAAW/3x M203 GL (Vision 5)
USMC Rifle Sqd (1/72-12/85) M16 Rifle/3xM16 AR/3x M203 GL/Sniper Rifle (Vision 5)
USMC Rifle Sqd (1/86-12/02) M16 Rifle/3xM249 SAW/M136 AT4/3x M203 GL (Vision 10)
USMC Rifle Sqd (1/86-12/05) M16 Rifle/3xM249 SAW/3x M203 GL/Sniper Rifle (Vision 10)


UC #177 Heavy MG Section

Unit #445 50 cal HMG Sec (1/66-12/12) M2HB HMG/M2HB HMG/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade (Vision 10)

Again a probable upgrade to night vision in 1986.

M2HB HMG Sec (1/67-12/85) M2HB HMG/M2HB HMG/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade (Vision 10)
M2HB HMG Sec (1/86-12/05) M2HB HMG/M2HB HMG/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade (Vision 20)


UC #195 Engineer Support Squad

Unit #277 M202 Flash Team (1/73-12/05) 66mm Flame Rckt/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 0)

Again more probable night vision ratings.

M202 Flash Team (1/67-12/85) 66mm Flame Rckt/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 5)
M202 Flash Team (1/86-12/03) 66mm Flame Rckt/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 10)


UC #206 Inf-ATGM Team

Unit #075 Dragon Team (1/73-12/80) Dragon I/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 20)
Unit #076 Dragon Team (1/81-12/90) Dragon II/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 40)
Unit #077 Dragon Team (1/91-12/20) Super Dragon/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 40)

The USMC doesn't have the budget the US Army has for thermal vision gear, and frequently lags a few years behind when it comes to new weapons/equipment (remember the US Army had the M16 in 1965, the USMC didn't get them till 1967).

Dragon Team (1/75-12/85) Dragon I/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 20)
Dragon Team (1/86-12/90) Dragon II/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 20)


UC #241 Marine Scout

Unit #393 Marine Scout Tm (1/75-12/89) M16 Rifle/M60 LMG/M203 GL/Hand Grenade (Vision 10)
Unit #754 Marine Scout Tm (1/75-12/89) M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/-/- (Vision 10)

The USMC does not have a "Scout Platoon/Company" like the US Army. Scouts are merely Fire Teams detached from their parent rifle squad sent out to find the bad guys. So they're equipped exactly the same as they would be otherwise, with the exception of adding some binos/extra NVGs, a map, radio, etc.

USMC Scout Tm (1/72-12/85) M16 Rifle/M16 AR/M72 LAAW/M203 GL (Vision 10)
USMC Scout Tm (1/86-12/02) M16 Rifle/M249 SAW/M136 AT4/M203 GL (Vision 15)
Standard Fire Team


UC #242 Marine Sniper

Unit #260 Marine Sniper (1/46-12/20) Sniper Rifle/Hand Grenade/-/- (Vision 0/Fc 0/RF 0)
Unit #266 Marine Sniper (1/80-12/20) Sniper Rifle/Hand Grenade/-/- (Vision 20/Fc 10/RF 10)
Unit #698 Sniper Team (1/70-12/85) Sniper Rifle/GAU-21A/-/- (Vision 15/Fc 10/RF 10)
Unit #699 Sniper Team (1/86-12/20) Sniper Rifle/GAU-21A/-/- (Vision 20/Fc 10/RF 10)

Unlike many armed forces USMC snipers are not just some guy that's a good shot so he's handed a sniper rifle and designated the platoon/company sniper. In 1975-1989 they come from the STA (Surveillance/Target Acquisition) Platoon . They're all graduates of the Marine Corps Sniper School in Quantico, Va. (the same place the FBI and Secret Service send their folks to train), and always operate in 2-man sniper teams. There are a couple nice vids on You-Tube if you're interested.
Of course some snipers are better then others, but there are no bad snipers (FC 0/RF 0) and damned few mediocre (FC 5/RF 5) ones. And if they have a sniper rifle they have the best vision enhancement available (short of the stuff used by SEALs).
Also there's little glitch that came from copying Sniper Teams from my OOB to the default (I've added an M2/M4 Carbine as a secondary weapon to slot #160, it's an unused GAU-21/A in the default OOB).

Sniper Team (1/70-12/85) Sniper Rifle/M4 Carbine/-/- (Vision 15/FC 10/RF 10)
Sniper Team (1/86-12/20) Sniper Rifle/M4 Carbine/-/- (Vision 20/FC 10/RF 10)


UC #244 Marine Infantry AT

Unit #412 M72 LAW Team (1/65-12/89) M72 LAW/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 0)
Unit #413 SMAW Team (1/82-12/20) SMAW/M16 Rifle/M203 GL/- (Vision 10)
Unit #779 S-Bazooka Team (1/67-12/81) M20 Bazooka/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 0)
Unit #780 M136 LAW Team (1/90-12/09) M136 AT4/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 0)

An actual AT Team would quite possibly use a Bazooka rather then M72's (yes the USMC kept them till at least 1985), just as accurate, better range, HEAT penetration almost identical. M72's were issued as "ammo" to squads to supplement the actual AT Teams.
Once they got ahold of the SMAW and later the M136/AT4 they dumped the M72 like a hot potato (most sold to various 3rd World nations I assume). Of course the US Army doesn't use the SMAW (well, the Airborne, Rangers and Green Berets do) and the Army of course got the M136/AT4 first.
Again more probable night vision ratings.

M20 Bazooka Tm (1/67-12/83) M20 Bazooka/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 5)
M72 LAAW Team (1/65-12/85) M72 LAAW/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 0)
M136/AT4A Team (1/86-12/02) M136 AT4/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 10)
SMAW Team (1/84-12/05) SMAW/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade/- (Vision 10)


UC #254 Machinegun Team

Unit #861 Marine MG Sec (1/66-12/85) M60 MMG/M60 MMG/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade (Vision 5/Crew 11/Size 1)
Unit #862 Marine MG Sec (1/86-12/95) M60 MMG/M60 MMG/M16A2 LMG/Hand Grenade (Vision 10/Crew 10/Size 1)

Unit #861 Marine MG Sec should be Crew 8/Size 1)
Unit #862 Marine MG Sec should be Crew 6/Size 0)
Given that the standard MMG crew is 3 and the USMC intentionally used a crew of 4 till 1985 (Gunner, A Gunner, 2x Ammo Humpers) I gave them 120 vice 90 ammo.
Again more probable night vision ratings.

USMC MMG Sec (1/66-12/85) M60 MMG/M60 MMG/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade (Vision 5/Size 1/Crew 8/120 ammo)
USMC MMG Sec (1/86-12/85) M60 MMG/M60 MMG/M16 Rifle/Hand Grenade (Vision 10/Size 0/Crew 6/90 ammo)


No shooting the messenger.

Beating her bloody is however acceptable.
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie

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Old April 15th, 2013, 08:53 AM
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Default Re: V7.0 Update - USMC OOB

I've copied this to the list for later review

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Old April 15th, 2013, 10:59 AM
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Clap Re: V7.0 Update - USMC OOB


You are VERY knowledgeable about the Marine Corps weaponry. How did you get to be so besides being a former Marine? I was a "red patcher" LSB Marine for 4 years. Thanks for assisting the DEVS in making this ONE OF THE LAST GREAT STRATEGY GAMES for PC!
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Old April 15th, 2013, 02:07 PM
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Default Re: V7.0 Update - USMC OOB

Originally Posted by EJ View Post

You are VERY knowledgeable about the Marine Corps weaponry. How did you get to be so besides being a former Marine? I was a "red patcher" LSB Marine for 4 years. Thanks for assisting the DEVS in making this ONE OF THE LAST GREAT STRATEGY GAMES for PC!
This is not a strategy game, it is purely tactical in its scope.

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Old April 15th, 2013, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: V7.0 Update - USMC OOB


I humbly accept your correction about this NOT being a strategy but tactical game...... Anyways GREAT game! I will follow and support it always.
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Old April 16th, 2013, 12:15 AM
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Default Re: V7.0 Update - USMC OOB

Originally Posted by EJ View Post

You are VERY knowledgeable about the Marine Corps weaponry. How did you get to be so besides being a former Marine? I was a "red patcher" LSB Marine for 4 years. Thanks for assisting the DEVS in making this ONE OF THE LAST GREAT STRATEGY GAMES for PC!
I've been a wargamer for over 40 years, and at one time I was Intel Chief for 1st FSSG.

The main reason(s) are:
A good memory
LOTS of research and cross referencing

And when the above fails I have Don to beat me information into my head.
Suhiir - Wargame Junkie

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Old April 21st, 2013, 02:54 PM
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Clap Re: V7.0 Update - USMC OOB

I'm glad you are here to assist the devs in making this the GREATEST TACTICAL GAME ON PC. Your continuing support is greatly appreciated----
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