Re: MoI - Memories of Ice, EA non newb game - WL Ctis wins
A random assortment of notes & impressions I have from this game:
My build:
ShadowFang, the God above All, God of Gods, Symbol of Unchallenged Victory, He Who Is at the Center
C'tis, Early Era
Manticore (Body 462, 155 hits)
No magic
Dominion 10
Scales: Order 3 Heat 3 Growth 3 Misfortune 2 Magic 1
I was happy w/ my choice until Mictlan's armies w/ D9 bless gave him all possible afflictions and more
After which we made peace
And then war once I realized expansion is not possible and the either Ctis or Mictlan can take our half of half of the world
Long and difficult war w/ Mictlan
Pan getting ever stronger
Fabulous to watch Pan+Lanka vs. Ulm war
Then Lanka and Ulm sign a peace agreement
Pan overrunning Niefel much faster than I expected
Finally getting to actual war w/ Pan. Was the best part of the game for me.
Not thinking even for one moment that I have a chance to win. Seriously, most of the time I was feeling like the underdog.
And finally, you got to love EA Ctis. It's dripping w/ flavor. Have excellent pros and crippling cons and really need attention to details and great care in order to thrive.