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Old October 7th, 2012, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: Crossing the Amur

Turns 41-45:

To my dismay, the 2 T34s I saw at the western sectos turned out to be a whole company of T34s and SU76s!!! We're not out of the woods yet. These vehicles are caught in the 203mm barrage, and one SU76 is blasted to pieces. The rest rush towards the objective I captured. Things over there have become grim, since I now try to defend this point from wave after wave of Chinese infatry and armor attacking it.
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Old October 7th, 2012, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: Crossing the Amur

Turns 46-50:

The battle's greatest firefight occur around the captured objective. The soviet riflemen, engineers and assault gun crew of the 1/179 battalion probably have lost count on how many chinese soldiers they have killed, yet they keep coming. I also try to sneak the men of the 2/179 around the southern objective, but resistance remains fierce. It seems China will retain control of 2 objectives, yet with the casualties they had I cannot predict the outcome.
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Old October 7th, 2012, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: Crossing the Amur

The men of the 1/179 rifle battalion around the captured objective. The fight is now a general melee, with most firefights occuring around 50m. A scout unit has managed to sneak inside a house and call accurate artillery fire on the chinese masses, with devastating results.

The men of the 2/179 battalion tried to capture the objective closest to them, trying to exploit the general attack of the chinese on the capture objective, and aided by artillery support. However, with each step each rifle squad makes, more AA guns, riflemen and tanks are revealed, making the capture of this objective an impossible task.

The 3/179 battalion has just managed to get a few units ashore. They have been commited too late to have any impact on the battle...
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Old October 7th, 2012, 04:23 PM
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Aeraaa Aeraaa is offline
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Default Re: Crossing the Amur

2 more turns of heavy fighting and the game ends! Here's the final result:

The result was a draw (more like a Soviet pyrrhic victory). The Chinese managed to hold a good portion of the battlefield, albeit with heavy casualties in both men and materiel. The Soviet bridgehead was weak and couldnt be properly reinforced. Ultimately the stalemate in Amur river remained, with the Soviets gaining only small portions of land.

So the result wasnt exactly good. My biggest mistakes were improper use of smoke (too many times my units crossed the river in full view of Chinese armor), failure to properly evaluate the enemy force composition, I didnt expect them to have that many tanks,very late commitment of the reserve and some strategic error like not purchasing any engineer tank, which would helped vastly with the minefields I encountered along the road. Anyway, it was a great game, one that I thoroughly enjoyed and onwards to the next mission, delaying the chinese horde. See ya guys!
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