Combat Sensors only affect direct-fire weapons. 'Rocket Pods' on fighters are a direct-fire weapon. The
description says 'missile' but the ability used in the data file is direct-fire. Note that point-defense is
also a direct-fire weapon and PDC will benefit from Combat Sensors. So it can be useful to put this on even a missile ship if that missile ship has PDC.
Multiplex tracking is the ability to fire on more than one target per combat round. There is nothing equivalent to the MOO 'Dauntless Guidance System' in SE at this time. Maybe MM can be persuaded to add it in the future.
If not, there are alway drones, which
do select a new target when the original is destroyed.
The AI does only what is it programmed to do. Multiplex tracking could be very useful on a missile ship, it's just that most AIs are not programmed to put it on their missile ships.
[ July 21, 2002, 16:28: Message edited by: Baron Munchausen ]