Here is the scenario I was talking about. It it basic but, I had fun with it.
Suhiir I never saw your scenario either.
I have really liked your updates to USMC. I have tied to make updates to the USA oob but every update the ability to add anything useful goes away. (Only like 20 open spots this time). Most changes have come from making realistic and more task oriented formations. Like a mech co having 2 platoons with AT and a third with MG sec. Mixed CO forces (Armor heavy (2 MBT Plt + 1 Mech Plt) or Mech heavy (2 Mech + 1 MBT) or Mixed Urban CO (2 Mech Plt -AT + 1 Urban MBT Plt).
It started by trying to make the SBCT units more realistic. Oh well.

Let me know if I can help.