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Old January 28th, 2010, 04:24 PM

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Default NSV-12.7 HE Penetration (multiple nations)

I'm a new gamer to this and I have to say I love playing this game. However, one detail caught my eye.

Finnish army site (http://www.mil.fi) boldly states in equipment information about NSV-12.7 (translation after): http://www.mil.fi/maavoimat/kalustoe...3&equipment=73
Lentokoneiden ja helikoptereiden panssaroinnin kehittyminen on johtanut myös ilmatorjuntakonekiväärien ampumatarvikkeiden kehittelyyn. Yleisemmin käytetyt panssaripatruunat läpäisevät noin kaksi senttimetriä terästä. Kuljetuspanssarivaunu kyetään läpäisemään kilometrin etäisyydeltä kaikista suunnista. Patruunoiden valojuovat helpottavat tähtäämistä ja aseen suuntaamista pitkiä sarjoja ammuttaessa.
In english (sorry about translation errors if any):
Improvements in the armoring of planes and helicopters has also lead to development of more advanced AAMG ammunition. The most common AP bullets penetrate about two cm of steel. A armoured personnel carrier (or IFVs?) can be penetrated from 1000 meters from every direction. Tracer rounds make the aiming and directing easier when shooting long bursts.
Most probably the NSVs of the world are using Russian ammunition in them and probably that improved ammunition FDF is talking about. During my conscript service there wasn't such penetration in the bullets (I checked my conscript notes on NSV-12.7) but instead the penetration of up to 1 cm of solid steel was mentioned.

The FDF site English section is lagging behind in equipment lists, but however there are some updates which hadn't made it to the official OOB - though they are in the inofficial experimental OOB made by Zipuli.
Other changes I've found that didn't make it to the main OOB:

Last edited by dmnt; January 28th, 2010 at 05:02 PM.. Reason: Added MRLS and BMP changes which I forgot
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Old February 15th, 2010, 11:16 AM
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Default Re: NSV-12.7 HE Penetration (multiple nations)

There is some information about 12.7 mm AP bullets in the Russia's Arm's catalogue:


The AP-I-T BZT-44 was introduced some time before 2001.

Several countries manufacture AP ammunition for the 12.7 mm HMG. The Chinese have been using a APHEI bullet for their Type 77 HMGs since December 1995. It will penetrate 10 mm of hardened steel angled at 30 degrees at 800 meters.
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Old February 15th, 2010, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: NSV-12.7 HE Penetration (multiple nations)

and if we gave it 1 or even 2 AP pen and AP ammo you would only see a slight ( very slight ) difference in the game between that and the 1 HE pen we give it now

When we are dealing with weapons with low penetration values there is a very fine line between keeping it close to real and turning them into ultra light vehicle killers and to give them a AP pen that would give 1 pen at 800 - 1000 yards would mean they would be able to pen 4 or 5 cm at point blank range and they simply DO NOT have that power. That's why they are given a 1 HE pen

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Old February 15th, 2010, 01:43 PM
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Default Re: NSV-12.7 HE Penetration (multiple nations)

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
and if we gave it 1 or even 2 AP pen and AP ammo you would only see a slight ( very slight ) difference in the game between that and the 1 HE pen we give it now
I thought that would be the case. I just posted what I found out about the ammo to find out for sure.
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Old February 21st, 2010, 11:35 AM

dmnt dmnt is offline
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Default Re: NSV-12.7 HE Penetration (multiple nations)

Thanks for your replies. I understand that the game is a fine balance between realism and playability and therefore some of the things just have to be disregarded. In my own mod I increased the HE penetration to 2 to give just a tiny bit of more penetration and didn't give AP ammo at all to reflect the main use of the MG as anti-person gun. I'll probably try to merge my own visions with the OOB mod Zipuli has made and publish that after a while.
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Old February 21st, 2010, 01:22 PM
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Default Re: NSV-12.7 HE Penetration (multiple nations)

Not sure if this will work but if its in weapon slot 1 give it some AP ammo & a second reduced range that applies to AP ammo.
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finland, nsv-12.7

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