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Old November 13th, 2009, 07:01 PM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Militia Vs. Militia

It's too bad you can't get some kind of "Peasant Hero/Recruitment Officer/Press Ganger/Blatant Kidnapper" unit that would simply produce (recruit) a given type of militia over time, when you got that event. Then again, I suppose someone could possibly replace every type of "militia" in the game, with a commander who produced that type of militia. That way, you could either keep the guy around, when you got the event, or just send him off to his death, without the interum of finding a cheap commander to lead the scum.

Such a unit might work out better for some Nations, too, since many very thematic units tend to never be hired. Making the cost of them a time-price, rather than a gold-price, might up their appeal, and get them in the game.

I also suspect that part of their percieved ugliness is the monotony of clicking on them a few hundred times, just to get up a decent force. Replacing them with a recruitment unit would also remove that unfortunate necessity.

For balance reasons, the commander could be limited by very poor leadership, since he's just your shanghai specialist, rabble rouser, and menacingly patriotic bully-boy, with only enough noble wit and drive to get the job done, while keeping his nose (relatively) clean. He's tough and loyal, even clever in his own ways, and he's good at herding the sheep, much like a dog, but nobody's going to put a dog in charge of an army.

MaxWilson: Other than for fodder, that's really the only appeal the Militia event has. Namely, that you can't dismiss them.

It really should be a 0 Luck event, one that might "bleed" into Luck 1 to -1, rather than a positive or negative event, in my opinion.

And, it's only because we can't immediately dismiss them, do we ask the question: "Ok, so we can't get rid of these filthy armed foreign refugees camping out on our borders, we're stuck with them until they're dead, or we are, so how can we best put them on the road to getting dead?"

That being the case, in what ways can that end best be accomplished, all-round?
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!
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