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Old November 28th, 2008, 09:57 PM

istol istol is offline
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Default radar aa

how that radar thing works ?

im pretty confused that radar flak's are shooting everywhere in map even low altitude behind the buildings behind forest and stuff

are the chopper pilots just funny or how is this possible ?

it seems like i can fly nowhere in the map with choppers or even be stationary without getting shot at with flak's

makes choppers completely useless against my opponent

would be nice to know the limitations of radar and advantages

how it actually works where can it shoot and where can it not

now it seems it can always shoot everywhere in range

is it like that ?

(again new thing i learned [to fear radar flak])

just found out with a scout that he got truck moving flak:s with same gun than the radar flak's dunno who is shooting might be the none radar ones too closer

Last edited by istol; November 29th, 2008 at 02:56 AM..
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Old November 29th, 2008, 03:11 AM
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Default Re: radar aa

Think of it as a unit with unlimited vision TI 500 if you like. Vision has no effect on but it must be able to trace a path to the target free of obstructions. So if it could see that far it would have a LOS.
So it cannot see fire through hills buildings.
Other terrain its like a TI unit I think in that can "see" through some wood hexs that a vision 0 unit can't but TI could.
If the helo is hiding behind woods or buildings it does seem to have a better chance of detecting / locking on than none radar stuff as the angle allows it to see over the obstacle
Basic maths the higher or further away from the obstacle the greater chance to see over it.
If you move helo over a woods or building hex so it has to gain height again a good chance of detecting.

So if distant or worse on high ground it has a very good chance of detecting you as the angle means you have left cover.

Hills are your best friend & flying down wooded streams urban roads can be.
Use the terrain no cover dont buy them.
Hilly attack chopper heaven.
No hills woods & buildings provide cover but flying over them can expose you.
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Old November 29th, 2008, 07:29 AM
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Default Re: radar aa

Originally Posted by Imp View Post
Think of it as a unit with unlimited vision TI 500 if you like. Vision has no effect on but it must be able to trace a path to the target free of obstructions. So if it could see that far it would have a LOS.
So it cannot see fire through hills buildings.
Other terrain its like a TI unit I think in that can "see" through some wood hexs that a vision 0 unit can't but TI could.
If the helo is hiding behind woods or buildings it does seem to have a better chance of detecting / locking on than none radar stuff as the angle allows it to see over the obstacle
Basic maths the higher or further away from the obstacle the greater chance to see over it.
If you move helo over a woods or building hex so it has to gain height again a good chance of detecting.

So if distant or worse on high ground it has a very good chance of detecting you as the angle means you have left cover.

Hills are your best friend & flying down wooded streams urban roads can be.
Use the terrain no cover dont buy them.
Hilly attack chopper heaven.
No hills woods & buildings provide cover but flying over them can expose you.
AAA fire control radar has an unlimited LOS against flying targets, unless that LOS is broken by solid terrain. Even on the largest map, radars would have no range restrictions. Fire control radar ranges are much more than the weapon effective ranges in any case since you want to be tracking an incoming target well before such, in order to open fire when inside weapon parameters.

If you fly over woods or buildings, you are at a terrain contour level higher than the buildings/woods you are flying over. Go round buildings and forests, not over them unless you are in a deep valley with a nice high hill shielding you from the opposition.

If you are at high altitude with a helo, you are well above all the contours of the map. You are at strike plane height now, not down in the weeds at helo altitudes. You therefore have an excellent field of vision to spot from. Conversely all the enemy AA units will have an excellent view to you, too. LOS works both ways, and radars are not visibility restricted. Should you want to find out about what enemy AAA units are in range then pop a scout helo to high and see how "interesting" a time he has of it !.

Helos really should only operate at low altitude if there is any credible AA threat, and they should employ terrain masking to reduce exposure to that threat.

Helos do not do well unless in a "permissive" environment - i.e. there is little or no effective AA threat. They can be useful mobile AT assets, but should not cross your FEBA and go raiding in the enemy zone unless all the enemy has as AA is AKs and MGS - and even then he can give unwary helos a slap. They are best as a "fire brigade" to take on an enemy armoured penetration deep into your lines (and thus restricted to organic mobile AA assets, if any), but only after the A-10s have dealt with the accompanying ZSUs etc. However that aspect of warfare is really for a divisional or corps level game with whole helo battalions and accompanying A-10 squadrons used against a Soviet OMG thrust - probably a tank division at least - not a battalion level tactical game like SP.

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Old November 29th, 2008, 07:27 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: radar aa

I'll sometimes take UH-whatevers(depends on when you are playing) across the FEBA on SAR missions in campaigns to save crews lucky enough to survive their tank getting popped. It's fun moving them one hex at a time through gullies, gaps between buildings, etc. at nap of the earth. Can't let them pick their own path because they fly and the quickest path, but not safest, is a direct line to where you want them. One mistake in enemy territory and you get to find out how many SAMs the enemy really has
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Old November 30th, 2008, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: radar aa

Originally Posted by RERomine View Post
One mistake in enemy territory and you get to find out how many SAMs the enemy really has

much like reality.....
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