There are few Gas giants with methane and when I try to uild a colony on one of them (with a green star at the corner) they become domed colonies.
This is a classic error. You probably forgot to put people on your colony ships before sending them out.
With no people, all you've got is a series of empty buildings.
Since nobody on the planet breathes methane (nobody there
), it shows the domed planet icon.
What you need to do now to fix the problem is to design and build a transport. Carry some people over to your colonies, and you'll be back in business.
As for switching empires, you will need to get the game master to turn off the AI on one of the AI players, and turn the AI on for your race. You then should be able to take control of it.
If this is via PBW, it'll be harder.
Also, even if you do switch to another race, you'll have the exact same problem with your colony ships.
Learn to pick up people as soon as the ship is built, and you won't have any problem.