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Old May 11th, 2008, 11:06 PM
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Default Re: OT: Soviet Re-Birth

I don't really see how Russia returning to Communism would really be a huge deal, aside from the knee-jerk "ZOMG! Communism is teh opozit of democrasee! Oh noes! They gonna kill us all!"

Communism is an economic system. Democracy is a political system. There's no reason the two can't co-exist, even in the same country. I'd be more worried about Russia falling back into being a totalitarian state. Because that would be very bad, regardless of which economic system the new dictator chooses.
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Old May 11th, 2008, 11:43 PM
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Default Re: OT: Soviet Re-Birth

Randallw said:
I don't know what form of ID you are speaking of but the idea that God created Earth is theology not biology. I also don't know what fundamentalists believe. If it's not Catholic or Orthodox I just label it as Protestant and delve no further.
The particular form isn't very important. The central concept is that proponents of the various variants of "Intelligent Design" each want their particular brand of theology to be taught in public schools as science.
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Old May 11th, 2008, 11:59 PM
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Default Re: OT: Soviet Re-Birth

I am firmly entrenched as a moderate. I value ideals from both parties. However I will not vote for either of the two candidates for President. I just cannot do it. Of all the people who could run, these, these three, are all that we get to choose from? The system is broken. I just cannot believe that these are the turds that managed to not get flushed away. What are the odds?
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Old May 12th, 2008, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: OT: Soviet Re-Birth

AgentZero said:
Communism is an economic system. Democracy is a political system. There's no reason the two can't co-exist, even in the same country.
In theory, that is true. In practice, its very difficult to actually maintain communism and democracy in the same system. Communism goes against every basic instinct of mankind (greed, self-interest, the desire to better one's lot in life), and requires major sacrifices and suppression to maintain. Very few people would willingly wish to actually live in a communist ideal, which leads to those in power in such systems often resorting to violence to maintain the system, and eventually totalitarianism. We have plenty of examples of this, but 0 examples of well-functioning, democratic communist societies.

Randallw said:
I don't know what form of ID you are speaking of but the idea that God created Earth is theology not biology.
Yes, this is true. But according to the Intelligent Design movement, it is biology, and should be taught as an alternative to evolution. Its a massive problem here in the States.. Every time it gets shot down in the courts, it morphs into a new form and begins is reign of terror anew in another state.

I also don't know what fundamentalists believe. If it's not Catholic or Orthodox I just label it as Protestant and delve no further.
Intentional ignorance damages one's ability for critical thought. Refusing to learn about the other is what has lead to most conflicts throughout history.

Violence isn't an aspect of religion, it's an aspect of people.
Careful with the blanket statements you make; history is filled with religions founded entirely on violence. Mayans and Aztecs make the most horrific examples, but there have been "death cults" and such all throughout history. All of the modern major world religions are founded on peaceful precepts, but that doesn't mean organized religion never has any aspects of violence. If you still wish to say violence is only an aspect of people, you must also logically say that peace is also only an aspect of people, not of religion.

People are flawed and ruin whatever they claim to believe in.
Exactly. This is why its best to keep religion out of government, because those in power will use it to benefit the "official religion" at the expense of everyone else. I put that in scare quotes because it still happens even when the organized religion in question isn't technically the official state religion. Most modern democracies forbid the intermingling of state and religion for very good reason..

I don't exactly know what Humanism is.
Wikipedia knows.
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Old May 12th, 2008, 01:12 AM

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Default Re: OT: Soviet Re-Birth

I don't worry about them being communist on it's own, I worry more about a allied Russia and China and yes, I know it's got like not even .10 chance of happening.

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Old May 12th, 2008, 02:10 AM
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Default Re: OT: Soviet Re-Birth

actually, what ID proponents are doing now is attacking the laws that restrict a teacher from teaching falsehoods. So now teachers can say whatever they want and not be held accountable.

As for Russia, when did the communism end comrade? Most of the old communist party found new jobs as capitalist swine. lol. I think they tore a page out of china's book.

"Yes, were communist -- but we'll get rich at the same time off your sweat and toil."

We should all join the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and join the ID movement to force the teaching of the Theory of Intelligent Pushing. Gravity doesn't exist.
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