June 20th, 2007, 04:07 PM
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Re: Why is Voice of Apsu conj 3?
Jazzepi said:
Kristoffer O said:
Main reason is feeling. It feels cool if it is more difficult to tap into Apsus dreams than it is to observe some flame or the flight of birds.
Asking spirits is easy, if you can compel them to speak. Dark knowledge is therefore more expensive, but easier to research.
In short there is no real reason from a game point of view. Or, the reason is the same as why spells aren't identical in dmg and dmg type. It would be boring if all spells of lvl 3 did an equal amount of fire dmg regardless of path used, or if all summoned critters had the same stats on the same lvl and only differs by sprite.
In short, it gives differentiation to the game. Also I find it cool to make things assymetrical
Hey I wanted to thank you guys for making the magic paths feel so diverse. At no time playing Dominions have I ever felt like "Oh great, I just researched nuke-3 water path" everything is thematic. I don't know if you've played supreme commander, but the units are so bland and boring, there is barely anything different about them. Some games suffer from the same thing with spells, but Dom 3 has always surprised me with how interesting and different each path/school of magic is.
I like the asymmetricalness of the paths as well. Only water and fire seem to have some symmetry, and even then it isn't much.
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