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Old March 18th, 2007, 06:29 AM
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Default KTB - II/Panzer-Regiment 3

I have started a campaign shadowing the German(-Austrian) II. Abteilung/Panzer-Regiment 3, beginning in 1939 with the invasion of southern Poland.

The Core Force is a Panzer-Abteilung of Abteilungstab, Stabskompanie, two Panzer Kompanien and a heavy Panzer Kompanie (The fourth company has been left behind at the regiment barracks due to lack of tanks). Tank models are chiefly Pz I and II variants, there is one Kl PzBef Wg and one PzKfw III in the Stabskompanie, while the heavy Kompanie includes six PzKfw IV.

II/PzRgt 3

II/Panzer Regiment 3

Abt.-Kdr -- Oberstleutnant Baumgart
Abt.-Adju -- Oberleutnant Raemsch
Ord.Offz -- Leutnant d. R. Jaehrig
Abt.-Arzt -- Stabsartzt Dr. Hietler

Kp.-Chef -- Oberleutnant von Nostitz-Wallwitz
Fhr le.Pz.Zug -- Leutnant Giesse
Fhr.NA-Zug -- Leutnant Hild
Fhr. Erk-Zug -- Leutnant von Carlowitz
Fhr. Trossw -- Leutnant von Oppel

Kp.-Chef -- Hauptmann Bonatz
1 Zug -- Leutnant von Beschwitz
2 Zug -- Leutnant Stapff
3 Zug -- Leutnant von Hopfgarten

Kp.-Chef -- Hauptmann Liese
1. Zug -- Oberleutnant Dr. Lohrisch
2. Zug -- Leutnant Bergstraesser
3. Zug -- Leutnant von Krauss

Kp.-Chef -- Hauptmann Maerker
1. Zug -- Oberleutnant Stotten
2. Zug -- Oberleutnant Crone
3. Zug -- Oberleutnant Vetter
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Old March 18th, 2007, 07:34 AM
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wulfir wulfir is offline
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wulfir is on a distinguished road
Default Re: KTB - II/Panzer-Regiment 3

Kriegstagebuch II/PzRgt3

5.00 Uhr - Crossed the border into Poland. Advanced in the direction of SPYTKOWICE.

12.00 Uhr - Subordinated to 2. Schuetzen Brigade for the coming attack of SPYTKOWICE. Abteilung delayed by enemy mines and destroyed bridges.

15.00 Uhr - attack on SPYTKOWICE aborted. Abteilung ordered into a defensive posture. Enemy counterattack supported by tanks observed. Panic in elements of Abt. and Schutzenkompanien.

17.00 Uhr - Reports of enemy counterattack proved false. SPYTKOWICE taken without enemy resistance.


4.00 Uhr - Orders for the coming advance issued. 1/SR2 and Pi.-Zug(mot) attached to abteilung.

4.30 Uhr - Abteilung advanced out of SPYTKOWICE in the direction of WYSLOKA. Main axis of advance along the southern road. 5. Kp Spitzenkompanie.

6.00 Uhr - Abteilung reaches the first objective, the small wooden bridge SW Wysloka. Feindberuehrung - enemy obstacles defended by riflemen and armoured cars. Obstacles dealt with by 5. Kp - defence broken. Advance reasumed.

6.30 Uhr - 5. Kp reaches the second objective, Height 67,3. It is defended by obstacles covered by enemy PAK. Several Panzers are lost or damaged. Follow on forces are delayed by enemy artillery against the bridge area.

8.00 Uhr - 5. and 6. Kp commence a concentrated attack supported by fire from 8 Kp against the hill. Savage fighting. Numerous enemy PAK guns are deployd near the Hill. Fire from one Artillerie Batterie supports the attack. Heavy losses - mainly to 5. Kp.

9.00 Uhr - Polish defences on Height 67,3 broken. 1/SR2 arrives and beginns mopping up. Substatial losses to Abt. Operations halted.

9.20 Uhr - Abteilung Arzt killed by enemy shellfire during work with recovering wounded.

10.00 Uhr - Abteilung reorganised. Continued advance not authorised.

15.00 Uhr - Infantry Spaehtrupps return, reporting enemy having abandoned their positions to the north and south of Height 67,3.

17.00 Abteilung laager established in field south of WYSLOKA. Enemy losses during the day reported at 274 killed/wounded/taken prisioner. 2 PAK captured, 4 PAKs destoryed, 1 mortar destroyed, 2 armoured cars destroyed.

Abteilung Panzer losses:
...Stab -- 3 PzKfw I
...5Kp -- 5 PzKfw I / 3 PzKfw II
...6Kp -- 1 PzKfw I
...8Kp -- none

Total: 12

Panzers in need of major repairs:
...Stab -- none
...5Kp -- 1 PzKfw I
...6Kp -- none
...8Kp -- 1 PzKfw I / 2 PzKfw IV

Total: 4
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