Looking for people to give my second scenario a try (I intend to update my first one soon!)
Scenrio file found here----
I`ve also posted this over at
Campaign Teaser!?
Date: January 1991**
Location: Iraqi Desert
Designed By: Paul "Dita" Wykes*
[email protected])**
Historical Overview: SAS operations in the Gulf during the 1991 Conflict. Using there modified Land Rovers operations included identifying targets for air strike, targets of opportunity and Scud "busting"
Secret operations of the SAS by Mike Ryan used for some reference
Following from the scenario text----
SAS in the Gulf*
UK vs .Iraqi*
Somewhere in Iraq*
January 1991*
Turns: 10*
Scenario Size: Small**
Designed by: Paul "dita" Wykes**
Upon entering enemy territory you group quickly makes haste to a predetermined oasis to make camp.*
___a. Enemy Forces*
_____None are know to be present*
___b. Friendly Forces*
_____Three Teams of SAS equiped with Modified PVs with Millan II*
___c. Attachments/Detachments*
___Secure the Oasis and the surrounding area. This will enable a secure place for further operations*
___No enemy presence in the area.
This is an example first scenario in what I aim to be a series of 4(ish) scenarios linked in a campaign. This scenario is currently very rough, so any suggestions most welcome. (testers?)
I managed a draw.........Some perhaps some balancing needs doing....Or perhaps I`m not very good at playing my own scenarios!!
Saved as scenario 240