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Old January 24th, 2007, 03:34 AM

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Default Re: WinSPMBTver2.51-- Gun tube orientation

Don: I understand there�s no problem in upgrading from 2.51 to 3.0 (any unexpected bug/misadjustment?), do you by any chance recommend to install from start skipping 2.51? Obviously I have no idea about the spaghetti-maze kind of thing this game�s code is

Oveja Negra
Old January 24th, 2007, 11:16 AM
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Default Re: WinSPMBTver2.51-- Gun tube orientation

There is NO problem upgrading from 2.51 - 3.0 and there is NO problem upgrading from 2.50 - 3.0. The only thing in 2.51 was a game executable that is overwritten by the new on in V3.

However, I cannot stress enough that skipping 2.51 is the ONLY patch you can skip. Do not skip the others when upgrading your game

Also, may people may start with the DL version then upgrade to the CD. If you do you must re-patch you're new CD version. DO not, under any circumstances simply install the CD version over top of the DL version you already have without patching it again and expect it to work 100%. It will not. There have been dozens, maybe hundreds of files that are common to both games that have been changed since the first version was released.

NOTE: we do not RECOMMEND that it's "OK" to install the CD version over the DL version though I suspect some have already done that. What we do recommend if you are upgrading to the CD version is to uninstall the old DL version first then re-install the CD version and then patch up. *IF* you have scenarios or save games you do not want to lose simple copy them to a safe place and then copy them into the new CD version after it's been patched up


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