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Old February 16th, 2004, 11:43 PM
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Default Re: The Neo-expansion pack. Version 1.30 available now!

If your up to it, most of the newer sets on my site are now Neo-Standard.

Starblazers, Gamilon, Kealon, etc. They should say if they are are not. I don't remember. But I do believe the two sets by CNC are Neo-Standard. (Plus a couple more images each I think.)
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Old February 19th, 2004, 06:41 AM

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Default Re: The Neo-expansion pack. Version 1.30 available now!

Good work on the latest neo expansion pack - you will have to do a 1.40 id say once the new patch of Version 1.9? is realised.
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Old February 19th, 2004, 06:57 AM
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Default Re: The Neo-expansion pack. Version 1.30 available now!

Why would the new patch of SE4 require a new Version of the neoexpansion pack? It is just images, not affected in the slightest by a new SE4 patch.
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Old February 19th, 2004, 07:10 AM
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Default Re: The Neo-expansion pack. Version 1.30 available now!

We need to get the latest list for the Neo Standard +, ++, and +++.

I am also working on making most of the Trek sets Neo Standard, but I tellya, time.
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Old February 19th, 2004, 09:35 AM
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Default Re: The Neo-expansion pack. Version 1.30 available now!

Well... With the new se4 patch adding the ability to create research bases and such, I suspect the resource station and resource ship images might start coming into play a little more. I've tried to reflect that to a certain extent (ie two or three images=-) in 1.30 but 1.40 might well use more.

OzziePaul: That said, 1.40 is probably a long way off, since I am planning to tie up some other projects (KanesS, Vikings/ Valkyrie, numerous commissioned images, certain unfinished works of fanfic) before work starts in earnest on the next NXP release. It will also be slowed because I don't have Mlmbd helping me out any more. If anyone wants to jump into his boots and submit images for 1.40 though, I will be glad to accept them. From the start i have been hoping that others would chip in on this project.

AT: The only full neo++ list I'm aware of is available on the encyclopedia malfadorica, which at first click appears to be broken, but click 'refresh' and it usually starts working. There are probably 3 or 4 shipsets using this full list so far, and many more using little bits of it. However it's worth bearing in mind that most of the list was designed around early Versions of Fyron's adamant mod, which seems to have changed/ added sizes since the ++ list was made.

Personally in shipset design I would ignore most of the ++ sizes, and just cover proportions and admant: That means starliner, elite infantry, some extra mine/sat sizes if you like, and then add in the large starliner and all the light/heavy frigate and whatnot from Adamant's data files. Oh, and maybe DreadnoughtHeavy for the sake of S_J's new mod. That's what I'm doing with the KanesS anyway.
Oh, and I think you're just kidding when you talk about + and +++ sets, but just in case you're not- there's no such thing=-)

Also, I'm not planning to include ++ images in the NXP. When finished the nxp will contain over 400 images anyway, and all the additional ++ ones would push the download size into the realms of dialup lunacy. However, there is the Proportional Response Pack, which may yet expand to include elite infantry and starliners for the regular races, and if anyone wants to kick off a nxp++ expansion pack to mop up what's left then that would be great.

Anyone who has read the Last three paragraphs and actually been interested in them might like to look at the project.xls file included in the latest neo-expansion zip.

Fyron (and slightly OT): You'll be glad to hear that some or all of your adamant sizes will probably (eventually) make it into the (KanesS set. I'm hoping to have a releasable Version of the set ready this weekend, and then your adamant pics would be added to it later. However I've already got a light frigate in there for you, and I've made a list of all the extra sizes I could find in your vehiclesizes txt. Anyway, I wanted to ask about the merc ships- Are they designed to use the generic set or should I include a set of recoloured KanesS warships (I'm thinking blue/white) to serve as mercs?

EDIT: Lots of unnecessary hyperlinks added, because I'm in that kind of mood this morning.

[ February 19, 2004, 09:07: Message edited by: dogscoff ]
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Old December 15th, 2006, 01:05 PM
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Default Re: The Neo-expansion pack. Version 1.30 available now!

Here it is! The Long-awaited Ne-expansion pack version 1.40 has arrived! This is the biggest ever update to the NXP, sporting more than 50 image! That's more than the first ever release!
With this release:

- All races now have a scout image!
- At least two new images for each shipset*
- At least one new image of each type*
- Two new infantry pics, included the official release of Sgt Squiddie!

Download it now at http://www.dogscoff.co.uk/neoexpansiondownload.htm

*Except those already complete, of course
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Old December 18th, 2006, 01:35 PM

Spectarofdeath Spectarofdeath is offline
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Default Re: The Neo-expansion pack. Version 1.30 available

Is this for SEV or SEIV?
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Old December 18th, 2006, 01:37 PM
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Default Re: The Neo-expansion pack. Version 1.30 available

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